600ss Rebuild

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Terryf84, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. I have tagged a for sale post
    Check your notifications
    There are some 750Ss bits for sale there
  2. Thanks :)
  3. Good luck and remember photos all the way.
    White electrical tape to all ends of wiring loom connections with writing on where they fit.
    Save empty plastic tubs from margarine, wash tabs etc and save bolts in some form of order.
    Store body work well away from the work area.
    Bag everything finished and painted awaiting re-assembly.
    Make a temporary spray booth from cardboard and keep all parts way from paint spray dust. Its a bugger to remove especially from rubber parts.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. If you are after standard parts, you could head over to ducatisportingclib.com as there are still a load of these being raced and much of the base parts have been swapped for light/better/later parts and folks may have some laying around if you know what you want
  5. Thanks
  6. And one last thing before I start tomorrow. In what order do I take her apart? Obviously I start with removing the fairing. But what next? Seat? Tank? If someone could please just give me a simple checklist I would be most grateful. I'm such a newb at this ha ha
    Thanks in advance everyone
  7. No need to worry on that front, as there are loads of non-running 600's kicking around. Basic hardware will be easy to find, it's the delicate/cosmetic stuff that will be more difficult/expensive but hopefully (and judging by pictures) most of your original bits will be usable anyway.
  8. well worth doing just to save another bike from disappearing
    in bits on ebay
    plus the first time you fire it up when back together is priceless let alone the fun of riding it :upyeah:

    and miss ducbird really :Facepalm: we all know it never costs what you think it will ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Hi good to see you having ago, it is no where near as bad as my current project. The order in which I took my 750 apart was get all the bodywork off and stored safely. Next get the wheels off, followed by instruments, leavers, battery box, coils, remember to lable the end of the wires as you go along. Be prepared for so,e fun getting the exauhst off, followed by getting the swing arm off the back of the engine, the forks will drop out with a little persuasion. Be prepared for some fun getting the engine out of the frame, which where I'm stuck.

    Give Baines racing a call as Geoff holds a large collection of spares and he is a gold mine of information as well
  10. Strip it, flog the parts on eBay for up to two grand and get a modern twin like an sv650 with the proceeds. You won't regret it [emoji83]
  11. Is it true Clio belts fit?
  12. They might........

    .......they might not.......

    ....You can take the chance........

    .........I won't. ;)

    The genuine ones are only about £40 the pair, delivered; and Exige can tell us what his are.
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