:Jawdrop::Android::Facepalm::Sour::Blackeye::Nailbiting::Kiss:I think I'd best go to bed :Muted::Nailbiting:unch::Rage::Snaphappy::Watching::Cyclops:
Nights tonight and tomorrow night, then sunday fit the new Baffles and barn door number plate and give it a nice polish ready for MOT at MD racing on Monday, lucky i checked, ran out a week and half ago...oops
yip, vosa went down across the uk the other day after an update. seeing as my mate turned up a day early and the weathers looking good for tomorrow, a bit of biking could be in order after all maybe seeing as my mate is on mull might go over for a visit via lochallan
Went to see my mum today. She's happy in her own little world, which is nice. Came home and SWMBO and I went into Holmfirth for a mooch. I had an ice cream then we went fir a drink, sitting out in the sun till about 5.15pm when it started to rain. By the time we got home it was tanking down and thundering and lightning. It still is.
It was... No biters.... I was and still am 50 50...not going to sell it for chump chips so i thought id carry on with the mods... Rearsets feel nice.... Got them really cheap... And (i personally) havent seen many second hand sets for sale.... Not got been out on it for a few months so going for a quick blast was nice.... Forgot how amazing it sounds...
Yeah... Well, in the ad i clearly stated i wasnt accepting any stupid offers so not to bother... Heh... So no one did! But going out on it today was really nice...
Well, 310 miles from Newcastle to London cracked in 19 hours 59 minutes and 19 seconds of riding averaging 18 mph. How were your weekends?