1200 DVT Who's Got A Standard Dvt? Come On In

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by damodici, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. just wanted to hear from existing owners of the standard DVT Multistrada and ask a few questions.

    Firstly what's the suspension like in terms of adjustment and range?

    I'm not fat (honestly guv) but quite heavy at 15 stone and by the time I chuck my heffer of a Mrs on the back (kidding dear) I'm just wanting to know if it's suitable component wise as is?

    I presume it's easy enough to upgrade either fork cartridges or rear spring rates going forward but it'd be nice to know if I don't have to.

    Also what niggles exist on the base model as much of what I've read is all about the S version?

    Things like this so called flat spot in the fueling I guess is both models but what about how the dash performs with things like the trip reset and scratch resistance?

    Also when I stood looking at one in smc last weekend I noticed the cruise control switches and specifically asked if it was standard across both models, was told yes.

    However according to mcn they seem to say it's not, it wouldn't surprise me if they were wrong though.
  2. I thought cruise was just on the S.

    Can anyone varify this?

  3. I have an S - but I can answer some of your questions

    The Trip Reset was S specific

    The dash scratch was S specific base model is fine

    Cruise is standard on and DVT as is the Wheelie control, traction control, ABS, Cornering ABS etc.

    Flat spot I believe is a USA only issue - UK and other European ones do not seem to suffer from this as far as I can tell - and its base and S related.

    I can not answer you on suspension - but believe as this bike is rated for 450KG (both base and S)- and a wet S version is 236KG - that gives you 214KG for passenger and rider and luggage.

    At 15 stone you are a lightweight compared to me - my S - I use single rider - so minimum preload and find the sport too harsh - but touring is perfect - but I do not like harsh ride..

    I would expect they set the bikes with the same suspension range on both bikes (base and S) - i.e .amount of spring capacity, capability, damping, rebound etc. - just the S has Auto adjust.

    So I would not expect you to need to put any new shocks or cartridges on the bike - just adjust what has been given.

    But the only real way is to take one for a ride in single and pillion - and enjoy..

    See brochure
  4. upload_2015-8-24_7-45-1.png upload_2015-8-24_7-45-39.png
    See brochure[/QUOTE]
    #4 Simon Audi, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  5. Thanks for that @Simon Audi

    Kinda confirms most of what I wanted to know, also looks like the standard model is going to be faster due to the amazing 3kg weight saving ;)

    Interesting to hear that the dash doesn't suffer from the same issues, both cosmetically and functional wise.

    Also once again Mcn have cocked up in their recent assessment of best sports tourer, see attached and they suggest no cruise control as standard. Kinda makes you wonder if anything else goes amiss


    I took the S Model out with the Mrs on the back but intend to get the solo ride done this coming weekend.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. The non S bike i demo'd, the screen was scratched quite badly so think the screen issue is across the range but a a piece of ventureshield will sort it so don't let it worry you, I've not seen the the colour dash in operation so cannot comment but the only issue I found on the stock screen was the rpm range was hard to notice in the sun however the layout was easy to read. The bike had cruise and all the switchgear was backlit and looked great, I'm 13 stone and the stock bike just soaked every bump, I was really impressed with the stock suspension, I rarely ride at night apart from coming back from euro trips so the led headlight was not an issue plus there's always the fogs you can purchase. The front brakes on the stock are as per last yrs multi and I found them spot on and caused me no issue to want any different, the saving is quite a big saving and tbh at the time I had already made my mind up I wanted the blinged up S but I hope the skyhook does not turn out to harsh for me otherwise I'll kick myself for not buying the non s bike.

    If I was doing the buying process again, I'd be buying the non s bike that smc have for £11999 that's nearly a £4k saving against the S !!
    #6 D4VE, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    • WTF WTF x 1
  7. I have the standard one. I don't adjust the suspension. I don't understand it! I ride it to work and love it. The only thing that I wanted from the S was the LED headlamps.
    Trip doesn't reset, no flat spot to mention and screen isn't scratched. Yet to see how it holds up to winter riding but hopefully ac30 will see it Ok.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. ;)
    #8 Hyperextended, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  9. Yes, I think I'm sold on the standard model, not only because of the outlay money, but mainly because for me i don't feel the extra spend is worth while whether i had the money or not....which i don't :)
  10. I have the standard one. I didn't think the extra for the S was worth it and don't need fancy suspension, I'd rather have very good "normal" suspension.

    MCN is wrong. Yes, cruise control is standard and functions very well indeed, though when coming off cruise e.g. slowing up on the motorway, you do need to twist the throttle before turning off otherwise it's like going from constant throttle at 80mph to zero throttle i.e. lots of engine braking. Just turn the throttle until you feel the bike starting to accelerate then turn off cruise, then wind the throttle off gently.

    Dash scratches like the S.

    Plenty of adjustment on the suspension. I found rear preload very low, so wound it up quite a lot for my 14.5 stone, resulting in much sharper handling. When Mrs T comes on the back I add 5 clicks to the preload.

    I put a 42T sprocket on the back (std is 40T) as I find the bike a bit high geared generally. Ignore the flat spot stuff - there's more than plenty of get up & go, even better with a 42T sprocket on.

    I'm spending the difference in price on a nice long tour to the Dolomites next year.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. I have the standard and just mirror what Tobers has said with regards to the suspension, prefer manual having had the skyhook on my previous model and didnt suit me and I,m not exactly a light weight either. Had no issues with the bike at all in regards to the screen scratching and the trip issue doesnt affect the std version, had no issues either with the fueling so good all round, very glad I made the decision to go std, cruise control is a std feature but also went for the heated grips and centre stand. If you live near Bristol Damo you can come and take it out for a spin.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. I don't live near Bristol but due to modern day super nakeds I'm sure i could get there quick enough ;)

    very good of you
  13. I've also just noticed another MCN spec error.

    While discussing the weight they state 235kg, thats for the S model, but then they go on to compare it as standard......but without cruise control...... good job:Banghead:
  14. I,m amazed no one pointed out the errors of their ways in a politely worded letter..... not that they would print it!!
  15. No problem, happy to meet up
  16. I got the heated grips (very toasty) and centre stand as well. The stand makes things much easier from a maintenance perspective.
  17. I can honestly do without the centre stand, the last one was removed from new and sold as new along with the bike.

    In my brief history of centre stands I always find they catch my foot at exactly the wrong time while hooning along.

    Nope, just give me heated grips, a taller more comfortable seat and a bloody loud exhaust.....Oh and a 14t front sprocket
  18. I got the standard dvt because there were no S variants at the the dealership at the time and I wanted to ride this season. The dealer said that they would sell approx 20% standard 80% S.
    I am very happy I went standard, its awesome and I dont need the gadgets that come with the S. However I like the centerstand as I feel the bike is less stressed upright and I can maintain the chain and can happily sit on it when its in my garage, which i do quite a lot, sad I know. Standard is the way. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Any further updates from the 'standard' owners?

    Things still working out rosey? Better than before? Worse?
    • Love You Love You x 1
  20. Sounds like we're in a very similar situation. I'm 15st, pretty much decided on the DVT, but now I'm wondering whether to go with the crowd and go for the S, or go for the standard and use the saving to put some nice bits on. Decisions, decisions.
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