1200 DVT Multistrada App: Dukebox Dury

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by bradders, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. I got the beta version and downloaded, seemed pretty straightforward to link. Used for the first time yesterday. Feedback:
    - seems to need to press 'continue' after you stop for fuel or whatever and, if not saved at that point, drops the data, so either way you have to remember to dig it out and do something MISS
    - if you want route maps,mreme,ber to enable location servcies. I turned it off as its 'always/never' choice. While using app would be more useful MAYBE
    - accurate readings, mileage was bang of from the bike as was fuel levels etc even after 'off' which I can see as being useful for when I am going out and cant remember how much fuel I had when I put it away (without going to the garage and turning bike on) HIT
    - the data it pulls back can be drilled into easily, all from the home screen HIT
    - love the lean angle thing (37 deg so riding like a pussy ;) )HIT
    - Auto tries to share to twitter or facebook, given the type of riding some may do, not the best idea MAYBE
    - the metrics make sense like consumption and average speed HIT

    Not sure how much memory a saved file takes yet, so defo a maybe...
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  2. It is quite a nifty app :)
    On the max lean angle, I like the fact it can tell you what gear you were in and what speed you were doing at the time.
  3. Oh yeah, forgot about that! Also what hp you pulled along with max speed etc. seems my 2 hr ride (70 miles!) thru the 'best' the SW has, I averaged 31mph and 47hp.
  4. Is the app only available for the Iphone? Also, how do you get hold of it?

  5. Unfortunately, apart from average consumption, I think you only get the averages of your overall data and not individual rides
  6. I'm not sure if it is available to all or, if it is, how you go about getting it - I was invited to participate in the testing of the beta version.
    You may find something on the Ducati website?
  7. Only one ride saved (hence the miss)
  8. Thanks Stanford, I'll have a look.

  9. - There is an "automatic pause" setting which suspends recording while the bike is not moving and maybe why we have to 'continue' after stopping - I haven't tested it to see what happens if this is turned off;
    - My fuel readings (and associated consumption figures) have not been reliable, probably because of my dodgy sender (and the earlier trip resetting problem);
    - Maybe something I set up when I originally set up the app (I can't remember) but I'm not asked if I want to share data on twitter or FB - as far as I know it is just being stored on my phone....and probably shared with Ducati for analysis purposes ;)
  10. There are Twitter and Facebook buttons at the bottom, but when I saved it tried to access my accounts to post then when I refused it asked if I wanted to share.

    My fitness apps do exactly the same
  11. I'll have to look a bit more closely when I save my next trip!
    What's a "fitness app"? :)
  12. Dunno. It somehow appeared on my iPhone. Suspect it's something to do with young (not too young!!) nubile women .
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Mine stopped working. Noticed when i fired it up y'day it seemed to think I was mid ride, so started bike up and still crashes when ai try tp save or exit. Bum. Means I will have to delete and reload

    On plus side I can see the map now I changed a setting incl showing where max lean, speed etc.

    Be careful when sharing...
  14. Bummer! (the app crashing, not you :Angelic:)
    I looked out for the sharing (twitter/FB) option when I went for a ride today and couldn't see anything giving me the option to do anything other than just save the ride - I checked the 'settings' as well; nothing!
    Maybe we've been on different versions - I'm currently on v. 1.1.4
    I'll have to turn on my location services to try that out (although if I go somewhere I'm not familiar with I tend to rely on my satnav to tell me where to go...and where I've been).
  15. I reckon it would be a good way to blog where, what and take pictures as an aid memoir.

    Makes me want to take it on track. How long before the Panigale app appears...
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  16. Deleted and reinstalled and the data is all still there. Reading the t&cs thry store the data at Ducati too (assume it's a cloud based service like Amazon) so if you lose/change your phone the data is available. Neat and at the same time scary..,
  17. Went for a varied 3 hour ride this morning and hoped to capture some interesting ride data using the Multistrada link app - got home and checked my phone (which I keep in my pocket) only to find the app had paused after a mile - so sweet f'all recorded :(
    In future I'm going to put on my tank bag and slip the phone into the top so at least I can see if the app is active!
  18. Sent them some feedback, responded within a day and not with auto reply but a realmone. Even said they knew of a bug and were in the process of fixing it

    Send them some fb, it all helps them. Also turn off the auto pause and it wont stop
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  19. I just forget to turn it on, bit of a pain to use it as it takes a while to load searching for the App and bluetooth
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