Slash cuts. As in the pics. No link pipes. (These are available on eBay for £50). Mint condition as well.
Hi Ian I would like to buy the rearsets please. Please PM me and I will arrange the necessary. Cheers, John.
Just to say that I've been asked about the availability of a few of the items left. Please let me know if you defo want the bits or not as they are selling quickly. First one to put the money in to PayPal or via BT takes them unless you say you defo want them. In which case I'll put them to one side. Please also bare in mind that I can't send anything out until 5th September. Thanks, Ian
Gia Moto rear sets and DP under seat side panels now sold. Thanks gents! I've now got enough for my next bike but trading the bike in with those forks and monoblocs on doesn't make much sense. So, I am open to reasonable offers for them. Could be a cheap major upgrade for someone. Cheers, Ian
I'm not sure mate. I had thought about keeping it for my future bike but as it's up for sale, yours. My internet connection over here is shite otherwise I'd check up for you. Can anybody advise? Cheers, Ian
ok ill take it anyways and see, if it dont fit ill throw it on ebay for a penny, can you PM me your paypal address and ill send the funds ?