received a letter to day from my oil recycling company. due to the decrees in the price of crude i will now be charged for taking my old filters and oil. and it aint cheep so gonna have to pass that charge on, always payed for tyres but now this. if you have been charged for environmental disposal before there was no need as it was free and depending how much you had they would pay for it. SO apart from the usual guff about the falling prices of oil, due to the amount of revenue gained from oil there must be other taxes on the horizon. Win or lose?
This is the thing with so called "green" initiatives. The Russians and Ukrainians have just been caught selling Carbon Offsets that were fraudulent, surprise surprise
We used to paint ours with creosote when I were a kid, it was like napalm if you got it on your skin.
Get yourself a waste oil burning heater for the workshop. My mate has, excellent...... Waste Oil Heaters, Waste Oil Cabinet Heaters Garage Equipment, Thermobile Waste Oil Heater Spares
Isn't there some way of filtering the worst of the carbon out and running it in a diesel like restaurants do with old cooking oil? Fin you are a resourceful chap I have every confidence in you :smile:
Deffo and as said, don't think anyone has come up with a way to burn it in a diesel yet without mixing it with something have they?
My local council tip takes it all for free still. Was only there last week. I'm guessing if you have loads though it might need a few of your mates to take some of the load.
Errr...... it has a flue. Works similar to regular oil boiler, only heat is either radiant or blown & no you don't need a licence. Only makes sense if you have a workshop and access to waste engine oil. It's for a workshop environment not a fecking country cottage.... Thought it was a sensible suggestion....