Us and them!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Imola, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. So the Copper get's sacked!
    In the real world we get sacked for far less and go to prison for less!

    Fitting song for many including Liverpool fans!

    Pink Floyd - "Us And Them" - YouTube
    #1 Imola, Sep 18, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  2. some pigs are more equal that others:frown:
  3. Two legs good. Four legs bad!
  4. Well said, Napoleon!
  5. Cor there aint arf a lot of well read toffs on ere aint there. Come the revolution you will all be against the wall.

    Regards J.Stalin (retired)
  6. There may well be.

    But come on. We read Animal Farm in English lessons aged about 14

    Kind regards,
    Pol Pot.
  7. I like it against the wall

    Best wishes,
  8. Is it true, Tre Pol and Pen are Cornishmen, was Pol Pot actually from Penzance?
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