8k Miles In A Year. Doable?

Discussion in 'D16 Desmosedici RR' started by Dave, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. It's off the engine Drinky. I've tried sticking it on the paddock stand and running it in gear but I'm not brave enough to try anything other than tick-over in first and it'll take an absolute age to add even a few miles.

    Still, I'm up to 13,458 now so I'm nearly there :)
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  2. Typical, oh well. I know what you mean about running it on the paddock stand, my Bazzaz QS needs 'pairing' after fitting so it learns the gears (or something of the sort), to do that its suggested you place the bike on a dyno or paddock stand then run it through the gears. Needless to say I'm going to book half an hour on a dyno.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Were off on our family holiday today - two weeks propping up the economy in Greece. As part of my cunning 8,000 miles plan I'm getting the wife to drive my van to Gatwick with the kids while I ride my bike. We'll stick the bike in the back of the van before putting it into secure parking and then I'll ride back home on it in a fortnights time. That's another 300 miles in the bag then :)
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  4. So your leaving a desmosedici in the back of a van at gatwick? That doesnt sound like a bad idea at all....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. And advertising the fact on the internet. Out of curiosity, are you leaving all of your house windows open and the keys in your cars ignition while you are away? :Facepalm:
  6. You can drop it at my house just off M25 and miles will be done for you when you return.
  7. Just thought Id get in there 1st
  8. Have a great holiday.

    I did a quick 100 miles this morning...first time out on a bike for over a month. Bloody hell I needed that! First time up to Cheddar Gorge as so many people had said I needed to do it. Nadgery through the Gorge itself but the road out is great. We need to meet up some time soon....I'm sure you know some great roads!
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  9. Watch the gorge if you do it a day or two after heavy rain, a fair degree of small stone and gravel gets washed into the road on some of the usual lines on and just after bends, it is easy to get caught out leant over a bit.

    Personally, I prefer going up Burrington Coombe, as opposed to the gorge, just a bit further up the mendips. In fact it is easy to go up one and down the other, and then reverse for max fun, they are not too far apart at all.
  10. Shame you didn't say
    I could have arranged for it to be babysat it would have been lovingly looked at
    You may even of got a polish
    Let me know next time

    I have a contact in the area not my place
  11. What kind of polish.....?
  12. Wax polish :)
  13. No bite then....... fair enough.
  14. Oh I was slow there :Banghead:
  15. Sure thing. I'll take a look at my diary :)
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  16. Right.........you've had your holiday, now back to buisness. How is it going?
  17. I had a very pleasant ride in the sunshine up to Gatwick two weeks ago. We arrived back in the UK at about 6:30 yesterday and I hoiked the bike out of the van and rode home while the Mrs drove. It was all a bit damp and I ended-up having to put my waterproofs on. The new Bridgstone R10s felt really good both there and back. I can't wait to get them on track at the 'Ring. My mileage is now 13,750 or thereabouts so my trip to Germany next weekend should crack 15,000 miles easily :)
    #157 Dave, Aug 31, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
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  18. r10s on the road eh? I use them on my track bike. Great tyres but I'd not considered using them on the road
  19. Ooops. That was a typo - I missed off the S ... I meant RS10s (the road legal ones!)
  20. Ah I see. I didnt know they did those. I was thinking you were pretty brave as they definitely need to warm up for track use...I can imagine they'd be a bit sketchy on the road :D
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