F1 Etc Driver Head Protection, Finally?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Air Duck, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Because F1 isn't endurance car racing. As terrible as any deaths are they are still incredibly rare

    Tough one to solve and still maintain the basis of open car racing
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  2. Old news...
    And if you're going to enclose the cockpit, why not cover the wheels too? That's got to make it safer...
    Or, alternatively, why not just do away with F1 and all go WEC sportscar racing ?
    Well, mainly because the majority of drivers who transfer from open wheel formulas to closed cockpit cars say that the restricted vision actually makes it more dangerous...
  3. And if you accept the premise that enclosed cockpits are safer - where does that leave motorcycle racing ?
    Isn't only having two wheels is dangerous ? It would be much safer if they had four... and not being inside a safety cage ? Would be much safer if they were inside a box, surely ?
    Logical conclusion ? Ban it all together, then no-one will get hurt...

  4. mythbusteres%20discovery%20channel%2023179_ep172_IMG_0644.jpg
  5. Enclosed F1 car ?

  6. Err they're talking about this sort of thing actually guys...


    Can't see why all the hate? You guys all professional car racers that think safety is for poofs or what?
  7. An up strut right in front of the driver?
  8. I have no problem with this, after all WEC is far better racing...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Good article from Allan McNish although he seems a bit confused about the difference between danger, risk and safety.
  10. Artists impression.
  11. Might have helped Tom Price ( for those who can remember him ) or recent biatchi ( sp? ) but doubt if would have helped Senna or Massa , still has to be a good thing
  12. You can
    Yes, artists's impression of a struct directly in the driver's eye-line...
  13. Umm..that'll help.
  14. Where the heck did you find that image?
  15. Does anyone really believe that they are going to fit some sort of obstruction in the drivers line of sight !!!!!! If anyone is against this idea they got to come up with a better objection than that !!!!!
  16. I'd have them all playing F1 on the ps4
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