F1 Etc Driver Head Protection, Finally?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Air Duck, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Drag boats, unlimited hydroplanes, F1 power boats, LMP 1 are all single seat and enclosed canopy, they have engineered and tested quick release canopies to make driver extraction easier. On that note when was the last time you saw an F1 driver scramble to get out of his car asap? After a big shunt the driver tends to be extracted in his seat slowly to ensure that there are no back injuries...
    As for seeing the driver, in a modern F1 car you can just about see their helmet. How would that change with a canopy?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Fair points...
  3. Aircon and electric sunroof extra? Reckon Hamilton would have a bangin' stereo and spinners fitted quick as a flash...
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. i would be q happy watching them...:Happy:
  5. You don't think they look like kids' radio-controlled toys ?
  6. thats exactly what they are, full size though. Remote control back to the factory with a driver as ballast.
  7. Do you not think they look great
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. The obvious difference being that in ALL the cases you have quoted the strut is central, and the driver isn't. The strut is not in the driver's direct eye-line... In the design shown, it is.
    And are you saying that F1 drivers can't see what's in front of them on the track? Seriously - you think the drive at close to 200mph without a clear view of what's in front of them ?
  9. In a word, no...
  10. do you really think they are going to fit something which obstructs the drivers view ??
  11. No, I don't - which is why the "artist's impression" shown previously is so pointless...
  12. you are onto pedantics about what someone else posted, not the main issue..
  13. so what ? :Yawn:
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