1200 DVT Cruise Control Issues...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by daveoz, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. First of all I should say that I love the cruise control on my multi, but it occurred to me recently that the 'Resume' function doesn't seem to work.

    When I'm cruising along and want to drop out of CC due to traffic etc, the only option seems to be to switch CC off, and then switch back on and set a speed again. CC in my car allows me to disengage and then 'resume' to the speed previously set, without going through the rigmarole of setting a speed again.

    I've taken the extreme step of actually reading the manual(!), but that doesn't help. Anyone else come across this and worked a way around it?
  2. ;)
    #2 Hyperextended, Sep 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
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  3. Reading it again now. Does that mean you de-select by using brake, clutch or throttle rather than the buttons?
  4. Am guessing brakes, clutch, throttle release it, then press resume to, well, resume :upyeah:
  5. Will give that a go!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. According to the manual page 149, the cruise control will not resume a speed if:
    * no speed has been set previously, or
    * first gear is engaged, or
    * speed is lower than 30 mph, or
    * speed is higher than 125 mph, or
    * brake has not been applied since last key-on.
    Provided the conditions are met, the cruise control resumes just fine.
  7. Whilst riding in Italy last week I had a problem with the cruise control for about an hour. Could turn it on but it refused to set a speed. Kept trying every so often and then suddenly it started working again.
    When I mentioned this to an Italian mate who has the same bike he said it had happened to him before at least once.
    Anyone else had this happen?
  8. Threads merged
  9. You can accelerate beyond the cruise control when on and when you let go of throttle it returns to set speed.
    I wish you could flick it off rather than having to dab the brakes.
    It remembering the last preset speed if turned off and on again would also be nice.
  10. You can just flick it off?!?
  11. You can turn it off, loosing your preset speed.

    By dabbing brakes it 'suspends' cruise control until you hit resume
  12. I have also had this issue and found that the rear brake switch seemed to get stuck after giving the brake a tap it aloud me to set ...BUT...reading above it may be a feature and not what I thought... This only seemed to happen after filling up with fuel and rejoining the motorway. If you have to press a brake after key on then maybe that was what I was doing wrong and just blamed the back brake.
  13. Likely it needs to know brakes are working before you can engage. Much like a car
  14. Deffo not a brake 'feature for me as it happened after I had been filtering for about half an hour.
  15. I, too, took the extreme step of reading the manual. Had to get *some* kind of fix while waiting for the factory to deliver the bike...

    We may have been reading different parts of said manual. The clutch will disengage CC without resetting its speed. I'd remembered the first part but not the second, which led to a surprise acceleration to 120-ish in a 110 zone on pressing the + button, when I expected it to just take the speed I was doing at the time. Oops.

    My pillion strongly prefers the clutch-disengage to either using the brake or hitting the CC-off button and guessing the correct throttle setting. Can't imagine why...
  16. #firstworldmotorcycleproblems
  17. If I can afford a €25K motorbike package, damn straight it's a first-world problem!

    Let's face it: when all your problems are first-world ones, you have a good life.
  18. You can also twist the throttle forward (in the opposite direction) to de-activate the cruise control and then press resume when your ready to continue.
  19. Claiming that a simple throttle-lock is "cruise control" is verging on the fraudulent.
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