Police Cut Backs.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. yep police or protection squads will be holding hands with terrorist inciting scumbags soon. See the rich don't even care about the moral degradation of society or the perception of it. As they haven't really paid money into the system by way of taxes since well, since the founding of Eton. And we all now know eton is classed as a charity organization'
  2. So the Police cutbacks mean they aren't allowed to have a good time while they are working now? I mean, how dare someone have fun at work...
  3. ...do 33mph in a 30

    You'll see 10 of them!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Doubtful, you're more likely to be snapped by a camera...
  5. ...and they will scramble the chopper

    ...and you'll be on Crimewatch :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Yep I got done last wk and have been offered a speed awareness course (2nd one in 4 yrs) but the thing that most pissed me off is the 5 bods with the camera doing checks were not proper police bods but specials. FFS specials !! nxt they'll give the village idiot a camera.
    #7 D4VE, Sep 4, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Managed 15 mimutes of a parking prog last night. Roadside checks along with baliffs to catch those with oustanding tickets, and pay up or we take your car. 120 fine was 530 after the robbing fucker baliffs fees. And about 25 cops with all their vehicles.

    Wonder who paid for all that?!

    Oh and some fella, with 3 small cars in the car, couldnt pay hos 600 so they hoofed him, and kids, out and towed it. Theres another 250 plus storage for towing then
  8. Some of our neighbours have reported antisocial behaviour on the country park that borders the estate where we live. This includes youths riding dangerously on off-road bikes when there are families with children on the park. They try to intimidate people by riding very close to them whilst pulling wheelies. There have also been incidents of youths firing air rifles on the park with pellets whizzing past families having picnics.

    Apparently the reports are made to the 101 Police telephone line. Our neighbours are complaining that the telephone operator states that "Officers are responding." But they often later receive a text from one of the local PCSOs stating that no officers responded due to a lack of available staff.

    The neighbours have all sent e-mails of complaint to the local borough councillors, county councillor & the local MP. They claim none of them have replied.
  9. Report gunfire and screams

    If then questioned, it was probably backfire
    • Like Like x 1
  10. You think its bad down there

    Up here its and absolute shambles
  11. We've the same OAP watch round our way. They hide in a bush just as a 30 turns into a 40 and nab you as you accelerate a little too early into the 40. I ignore them completely. They normally scramble to put their pipe down and get their monocle on in time to read the plate because it's on the back of the bike and they're not used to that.
  12. It's even funnier to rag it, right up to them, crawl past and see the speed check thing flash 10mph (they have it so you can see your speed), then gun it when you're past. I just picture them having a right old paddy [emoji23]
  13. they are always out by richard hammonds house (castle) cant remember the name of that village, on the way to ross on wye

    I did wind them up once and drove up and down the road for about 20 mins (in my car which is wayyyyy louder than any motorbike I have) until the neighbors complained and moved them on. once they went I stopped hung round for 10 mins (fag break) then left to once I was happy they where not coming back.

  14. Goodrich I believe or around that way
    He visits ross on wye my postlady friend has seen him

    Your are so naughty lol
  15. My neighbours love bikes luckily
    Anytime you want to make a noise feel free :Headphone:
  16. No joke. Community speed watch schemes are all over the place. You get a letter from the police stating they saw you but no action will be taken unless it happens again.
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