been reading theres a few on here that's lost there plate, my project r plate mount just broke of at the bend, dropped and wedged between the hugger and tyre, just heard a scrapping noise, luckly didn't damage anything, does anyone have one of these project r brackets they could have a quick measure and post up the sizes, have some alloy plate and just going make another myself, maybe get a carbon one for next season cheers
Why would you want to replicate the design/dimensions of a hanger that just lunched itself? Possibly you could redesign it so that it doesn't fail again?
that's exactly my plan, theres 2 cutouts in the old one which wont be in the one I make so little chance of it cracking again, also the aluminium plate I have is 1mm thicker
If the plate contacts the tyre, 1mm ain't gonna make any difference! The thing will still break/bend if it hits the tyre.
plate hasn't hit tyre mate, only reason I'm using plate 1mm thinker is its what I have handy, if you look at the bracket it cracked right at the point where its got the holes(weakest point) and the sharp bend, have a smaller plate fitted also, I studied it and theres no way the tyre could have made contact, also this happened on a long straight open road.
Sorry mate, didn't have the benefit of clairvoyance to know what happened so I was speculating based on your reference to previous events of 749/999 number plate hanger failures.
I had two Evoluzione tail- tidies for my 999. The first one broke when I riding two-up in Wales - touched the rear tyre, I reckon. The second must have been weakened when a car struck my plate when I was exiting a roundabout, with enough force to send me in a different direction. I thought it was OK but the damned thing fell off later when I was up in Northumbria. I had to ride all the way down to the South Coast with no plate. Great for static cameras, not so good with patrol cars
Yes, had two of those, bought 5 different plates for my bike. Last one was melted after the exhaust was so hot after the tps issues. Butchered a non Termi bracket down and angled it back. No issues since
I've had experience of this my previous posts, you will be surprised at how easily the bottom of the plate will touch the tyre, i didn't believe mine could possibly touch but that is the only explanation I could come up with,ended up making my own.. Still in one piece....fingers crossed.
Gulp.......that's the one I've got. Haven't had any problems with it yet but I'll be keeping a close eye on it from now on.
spent a couple hours and made up a nice wee bracket today, have it angled slightly more just to be safe, should get it fitted in the morning, no cut outs in this one, I'm just glad that it never damaged the hugger or swing arm when it wedged between the tyre and hugger