National Meeting

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by apuhtred, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Just been looking at the membership. Over 1600 now so I would think over 2000 by next year. It is a long way off but is this something we would like? Not putting myself forward for this but as I happen to be on a couple of committees I know how much planning goes into something like this. Someone did suggest a meet somewhere next year but can not find the thread now and can not remember where. Possible to expand on that perhaps. Any way discuss I for one would be up for it any one else?

    Regards Steve
  2. At a trackday...............Silverstone or Donnington say
  3. Which Nation were you thinking of? :tongue:
  4. its called the DOCGB rallies one oop north one darn sarf an one int t middle:smile:
  5. Apuhtred, we're you thinking of the Castle Hedingham day?
  6. Sorry that should have read were you thinking of the Castle Hedingham meet? This was something I suggested as I attend the medieval days at the castle, doing have a go archery, and the owner would love to have the Ducati forum down there displaying their bikes. If this is what you were thinking then send me a pm with a phone number and I'd be only too happy to discuss it with you. Chris
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Yes thats the one

    Regards Steve
  8. Squires would be a good place :upyeah:
  9. camping weekend somewhere?
  10. I used to be a member on another forum (there are a few from there on here) and they had an annual meet at a track somewhere like Donington and it was generally well attended, maybe get in touch with some of the trackday organisers such as focused events or hottrax. If you are thinking of Cadwell / Snett / Oulton then motorsportvision would be able to help. Obviously with somewhere like Cadwell or Oulton there are are also plenty of good roads within the area and camping at the circuit
  11. The DSC persuades Club MSV to do a Ducati Only day every year, but it's been so poorly attended over the last couple of years that we'll probably not bother next year!

    If you find the magic formula for getting more than 30 Ducatis in one place, bottle it quickly!!

  12. If we can get something organised at Castle Hedingham then there is plenty of room for folk to camp there. I have a contact at the castle and am quite willing to help out but have no experience of organising this type of thing?
  13. I think most modern Ducati owners are worried they will drop them etc..
    TBH most of the ducati's i have seen at track days are race bikes or track day only.. 748's 916's DD etc
  14. There is a fundamental fault there though that i know you know.......
  15. This is also a bit of a i regard the track far safer than the road....its back to the little thing called attitude.
  16. I'm sure you're right, the track is safer than the road, but I couldn't afford to sling my bike down the track ( not that the track is the right place for an ST3 anyway). Also, track riding you only see the same things every time, at least on the road the scenery varies!
  17. So you could afford to sling it down the road?
  18. No I couldn't but at least it would be insured if I did. Also, I try to be a bit more sensible on the road. I've never ridden round a track, and I'm sure I could learn an awful lot if I did! One day I will do a track day of some sort, probably one of the Haslam/Walker type things where I'd be using their bikes just to see if I have the nerve required to ride that fast! I'm not decrying track riders at all, you have more courage than I do, and probably more money too.
  19. If my humble experience is anything to go by, i can assure you its not all about riding "that fast" i dont want to put you off at all and those schools you mention are a good insight.
    The reason i say that the track is safer than the road is because you are going around the same bends every 2.34 sec, this eliminates a large proportion of probably the most difficult bit of road riding.......observation and reading an ever changing scene in front of you. Also the surface is perfect, there is no speed cameras, nothing coming the other way, most tracks are 12-15 metres wide and most importantly there is generally less bump at the end

    Of course there is a massive difference in riding on the road to learning to ride on the track........
  20. Totally agree with you Andy, the road is a very dangerous place, I just treat every other road user like they're a complete twat and are liable to do something stupid in the next few seconds! So far I've only been caught out once and that was back in 1980 when an old duffer in a Ford Crappy decided to turn in front of me! Told the police I was out of sight when he started to turn!,, police measured how far back I would have to have been, and then calculated my speed to reach the point of impact.... Constant 138mph and I was on a CB250N, he was to be prosecuted for driving without due care but died before it got to court, nothing to do with the accident, just had a heart attack.
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