Bike Accident Mr. Air Con

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Not the point she earns 47 million dollars a year .
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  2. no.. she gets paid 47 million!
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  3. good on ya AC :upyeah:
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  4. So......Ole Limpy is out.............

    Join the club Paul...............and do wot the fizzio tells you.......

    Good luck....
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Great news Paul, just take it steady, one day at a time. All the very best, Andy.
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  6. Good news AirCon :upyeah:, remember as well as working on your recovery, resting is very important too ;).
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  7. Oh man, why didn't you tell me earlier? It's too late for me now.

    All the best AirCon!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Is the great escape still on for tomorrow @AirCon ? :Wideyed::Watching::)
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  9. We already knew that ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. Good luck with your escape plan @AirCon

    Great Escape.jpg
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  11. We used to go to the half moon in Putney quite a bit. Got to know John Otway and the gang. During a drunken conversation John said to my missus "us musicians should stick together" . She replied that "I'm a musician and you are an entertainer and they are not the same thing". John was gutted, but a women's tongue can cut as good as a sword.
    I'd suggest that judge Judy is a good entertainer hence the pay.
  12. Sorry for the delay in responding.
    On Friday they switched medication to allow me to leave hospital on Monday.
    The pain team said that they had allowed a 50 % extra should I need it. At this point they removed my pca (Patient controlled analgesia ) .
    Friday night into Saturday there was a great deal of disturbance in the ward. The 83 old man in the next bed has a broken neck, bless him.
    I slept through at least one set of pain relief pills. Standing instructions are not to wake the patient. I woke to what I can only describe as roadside pain. I asked repeatadly for the extra 50 %. Fatima my nurse had no idea. Saturday was a living nightmare. I was in extreme pain and very weak. Eventually the night shift brought a new nurse who explained that I must ask for the patient requested analgesia. This then takes you to another page and allows more oxicodine. (50% more).
    Her defence was she didn't understand that this was the 50% I needed and wanted. You cannot put in a standing request for this, but instead have to ask for it in between normal pain relief. The night doctor put me on an oral morphine top up every 4 hours and to be woken instead I would request my oxicodine.
    Net result I've lost two days that I could have been practising walking on sticks.
    I need to get out. These places can kill you.
    Just need my Picc line installed as this allows blood to be drawn and for the blood bacteria antibiotics to be administered four times a day at home intravenously.
  13. Do you still escape tomorrow after all that turmoil :Wideyed:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Just seen your agree - good news :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1

  15. Oh bless you as if you hadn't suffered enough
    Where is the woman I will give her a slap for you

    Big hugs :Kiss:
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  16. dam mate... all sounds a bit rough.. u still getting out Monday?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Good news
    MY brother came to see me on Saturday.
    He's had to hire a wheel chair. Andrew and his wife really was the high point of what was a short day.
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  18. If I have to leave via the 9th floor window. ..I'm still leaving.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  19. :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. I hear the mission impossible music in my ears right only concern is I'm on the 9th floor and cannot walk...This is going to make a slow film.
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