Shiny Thing

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by johnboy, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. just found this on ebay
    looks quite nice and shiny and definetly different for the back end of the ducati
    hmm just got to persuade the wife that I have found what I want for xmas lol

    $_57 (3).jpg
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  2. I too noticed this, then the price tag.....better getting flatslides or something that makes it faster lol
  3. shiny. for how long?
  4. probably as long as its running properly and doesn't need fixing ;)
  5. Second time it's been Advertired, price says it all. My 400 cost less.
  6. yes agree price is a bit well .........its half of what I paid fofr the bike lol
  7. cool. you can dump the bucket and sponge then. :smile:
  8. is there a link to the listing? cannot find it
  9. Saw them at excel bike show a few years back and got a hard on.
    The 03 800/900/1000 arm is almost as nice which is what I ended up with on my bike(polished).
    The concentric chain adjustment looks trick but can be a pain if you're fussy about ride height.
  10. I picked one of these up for £232 on eBay complete with spindle etc.
  11. Yep thats same as mine, seen them go for 3-400. I had to buy a crashed 1000SS to get one but i sold the rest and got arm and ohlins for free.
  13. I have lust for this. That is all.
  14. I ride huggerless. I had a carbon hugger for earlier alloy arm that could've been adapted with a couple of brackets probably. The holes dont line up, i think 2 do and other 2 are 10-20mm out. As far as i know theres no aftermarket or DP hugger available for them.
  15. Cheers, I thought so.
    Huggerless it is for me as well then .......
  16. Now that far better value, just as nice
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