Misano 2015 **spoiler**

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Air Duck, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Rossi The Relentless?

    9 vote(s)
  2. Marquez The Marauder?

    5 vote(s)
  3. Lorenzo The Laser?

    4 vote(s)
  4. Your Gran?

    1 vote(s)
  1. The track has been resurfaced, grippier, but harder wearing. History means nothing here.
    Let's see what qualifying brings.

  2. Just watching moto3 FP1 at the mo. Red flag. Nasty accident, hope he's OK
  3. Am I right, Pirro knows Misano better than anyone?
    How does Jack Miller keep beating Hayden? Why is Hayden still there?
  4. Doesn't Hayden retire this year?

    Pirro is a Ducati tester isn't he? So does thousands of laps a month probably
  5. Didn't know about the retirement, but yes, I think Pirro is a tester that has taken over for a damaged 'C' grader, can't remember who.

  6. When you watch Hayden race, even a couple of years ago, you do wonder how he won a title. I know Rossi kind of gifted it with his own misfortune but even to have the chance you've got to be right up there. Must have burned bright and short.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Very well put, gifted is a word that comes to mind, but so does 'tinny', luck and karma have away of working out?
  8. Just checked. Hayden won only 2 races that year.
  9. Waiting for more pics from our roving reporters! :upyeah:
  10. Ah jeez... MegaMan Quatararo looking hurt :Bawling:
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Does that matter. He won the world championship. That matters.
  12. Hate seeing a bike hit a rider. Instantly has me thinking Simoncelli. Especially when the medics start holding up sheets to stop the crowd looking. Good to hear he's OK (ish).
  13. I know but he did get lucky as hell. How many mechanical DNF's did Rossi have. To miss that many races and only have 5 points in it.
  14. The reality is that a championship is won by the rider with the most points at the end of the year. Whether he was the fastest is a moot point. He was more consistent then any other rider by the fact the he didn't fall off and his bike didn't break. Where's the problem?
    If MM was a second faster in every qualifier but never finished a race, how would you rate him??? Certainly not world champion.
  15. I'm just saying that he's never really been at the level of his competitors. If every other rider had loads of mechanical DNF's, you can win a championship despite usually only being a 7th place finisher. Doesn't make you good, just good fortuned.
  16. [​IMG]

    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Just saw this (I'm watching slightly behind).

    I love the ducati mechanic laughing at the TV when he saw them.
  18. Catching up on the sessions it was Jorge Navarro who was caught up with Lorenzo Dalla Porta's bike.
  19. Lorenzo quickest with his new wings. Interesting that they aid corners where the yam is already so good.
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