1200 DVT Oil Consumption

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Simon Audi, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. @Lambliesdown how did you get on with your oil leak repair? New bike?
  2. I take it in to leave with dealership next weekend. Then they will strip engine for inspection , so will know by around sept 22
  3. What! Still not fixed or bike replaced.....?
  4. It was @Lambliesdown I was enquiring about. Met up with him when he had his oil leak and was wondering if he had it fixed yet. Is yours leaking then couque?
  5. Not leaking, but somehow being consumed all of a sudden.
  6. Hi, my multi DVT has used 2,7 Litres of oil in 8600 km. i think it is quite much. it is not leaking either.
  7. That's ok if it's consistently been like that
  8. Don't think the bike would be replaced as its now out of warranty, and I prefer my models engine to DVT, but DVT has a better ride. I elected to leave it till now with the full cooperation and understanding from Ducati UK.
  9. I've just completed almost 1,400 miles from new (10 days), so 800-odd since 1st service. Oil had dropped from full level to 3rd from full, so about 50-75ml? I also noticed a how dark the oil had become so decided to drop the oil/filter/sludge filter.
    The sludge filter had about a dozen pieces of square, pin-head sized pieces of aluminium 'swarf' (can't believe in this age you can't rid cases of all swarf?). Anyhow, put 15/50 Silkolene Pro 4 in it, genuine filter, genuine 3-bond to sludge cover/drain plug.
    I'm hoping for similar oil consumption results to Tobers...

    ps Ran it in with quite a bit of load (up hill climbs 4th/5th/6th 4K-6K @ 3/4 to full throttle)
  10. My bike is also using more oil than I would expect, about 350ml per 1,000 miles. I informed my dealer (Ducati Aylesbury) and they said it appears the DVT models are using more oil than the older 1200s however Ducati only consider oil consumption of 1 litre per 1,000 miles as a problem. The service manager put this down to the change in oil spec. because of the oil actuated mechanism. He also said the oil consumption may get less as the mileage increases.
  11. I think it's normal on the DVT for the bike to use a bit of oil as it beds in, but seems to stabilise around 1000 mile mark. Ducati do say that around 600ml per 1000 miles is acceptable, But not if a bike was using no oil,as in most MTS , then starts using oil. This would normally signify something has happened to either the valves, piston rings, etc. so using oil at first is nothing to worry about .
  12. I have detected zero oil loss in 5000km, actually 4,000 from 1st oil change. My opinion on oil loss is less than perfect piston ring to cylinder interface. Going too easy during break-in a likely cause.
    Very first thing I did was several full throttle acceleration to 6.5k in 3rd and 4th gear. Put on a good show for the dealer when I first picked it up. I'm a true believer in hard break in.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Mine's used little/none for the last 1500 miles. I might do an oil change anyway (3500 miles now) to keep things sparkly and because I do like working on my bike.
  14. My dealer's mechanic confirmed that this model consumes in average more oil than older models. Again you should expect this type of engine to consume oil.
  15. But there's nothing about this "type" of engine that would precipitate oil consumption, like 90deg V twins don't consume more oil than a inline four. It's all about how rings seal to cylinder liner.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Ive just got back from 3000 miles around alps and mine used 1Ltr, also spoke to my dealer (Ducati Aylesbury) who also confirmed that this is normal and nothing to worry about, some of the DVT use more than this they told me.
  17. It would be nice to have an explanation as to why the DVT burns a lot more oil than the previous generations of the Multistrada Engines, going from 0 oil usage to up to an unrealistic amount in some cases in my view.

    In most cases by time you have reached the first service 9k miles you would have all ready changed the engine oil
  18. Agree with how your rings seal , first 100 miles are important , rev range should be up to break in rev limit or a little beyond and back down ,and keep repeating .
  19. Mine is leaking or using oil, there are puddles but I did about 100km on it in the last week and the sight glass went from full to half.

    going back to the dealer tomorrow, 5600 km DVT
  20. people used to die from consumption... not oil though... well some may have
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