So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Got an opportunity to ride the Diavel for the first time. Carole is right proper poorly so I took her's for its MoT. Once I got over the huge difference between it and my Multistrada, I had a hoot. It passed okay but sadly it's not for me, riding position is far too small for my rather oversized frame. The peg position makes my knee bend far too acute and my bum started to go to sleep - well it was snoring :). Andy
  2. Get a drop kerb and lose the plank. A battery alarm would also alert you to any mischievous happenings.
  3. Spitting image of mine.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Have you? :p :Writing::oops::D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Not biting.......
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. My back garden I classified as a locked compound a few years back. 6ft high fencing and a locked gate. What's the difference?
  7. Got in most of the pumpkin harvest. I left a few of the smaller ones, in case they decide to get bigger. As if I needed some more kg of pumpkin. That green one - a musquée de Provence - weighs around 25kg. The sort of pumpkin that can do your back in, carting it around.

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  8. I was standing at the bar in the pub this lunchtime, when a woman came up to me.

    "Fancy buying me a drink?" She said,

    "Sure," I replied. "If you let me choose."

    "Okay," she grinned. "But how will you know what I want?"

    "Well, it's kind of a talent," I smiled. "All I do is look a girl up and down and I know exactly what drink suits her best."

    "Okay," she giggled. "You can choose for me."

    So I turned to the barman and said, "Diet coke, mate."
  9. There was a bloke in a Ford Focus ST in front of me yesterday. He and I kept religiously to the speed limit in the village nearby, but as soon as he hit the end of the limit, he floored it and accelerated very rapidly...
    As I drew parallel, I hit the rev limiter, which was a bit of a surprise, and a little embarrassing, as acceleration momentarily halted. Of course, once I found a couple more gears, he was toast.

    Yes, I know it's not clever.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. cant do anything about the kerb as it is public,, alarm etc is on the cards,, fortunatly i live in a good area .
  11. that's where the thieving bastids look.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Thought you were in Scotland?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. A couple of weeks back in early bought a ticket for the show,and the forecast was reasonable. When I woke today with the rain belting against the window until midday I'm glad I didn't.

    Was the rest of it ok?
  14. The boys and I were riding and a guy in an M6, Carbon roof etc... (Very expensive) decided to give it some and try and show off. We were behind and not even 60% but he was arse out everywhere... Right up until the point he lost it and spun out right in front of us. Alloys smashed on kerbs ripping the tyres off too. Metal fence gouged big tears/holes in most side panels. He ended up stopping on a grass bit on the opposite side of the road. Narrowly missed an oncoming car (the woman smoked a fair few fags to calm down). Car was a write off and he told us he'd have to explain this to his wife and could we lie to his insurers about a mysterious dog that ran out. No chance.

    They just don't seem to get that we are faster with ease.
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  15. I wouldn't have paid to get in but I live within walking distance - watched some from the park , was ok
  16. i dont understand how anyone can get pleasure from seeing someone smashing up their car throo " giving it some ",,, shit dont we all enjoy doing that
    • Agree Agree x 1

  17. I mean, maybe cut him some slack? He got his just desserts, what you don't want is to be accused of racing, that'll put you and your boys in the shit as well.

    I cycled over the moor to Huddersfield earlier, on the way back, same route I'd travelled I found a little car on its roof being inspected by the law et al. Looked like it'd come down the hill, hit a bump immediately prior to the 90 degree right bend and done a double twisting pike. Just glad I wasn't there an hour later than I'd set off as I'd ridden in the exact place the car was on its roof in just my Lycra etc.
  18. I didn't say we enjoyed it or anything. Felt sorry for the guy but the thought of accusations of racing is exactly why we didn't get involved.
  19. Saw it in Dartmouth a couple of weeks ago.

    It was pretty good but the Typhoon stole the show :upyeah:
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