Hello - New Northeast Member

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by AMG, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. You're welcome to come out and take a look. Just along A69
  2. just looked at the link.. im no expert by a long shot but that looks nice!
  3. where abouts are you? I live in Westerhope just off the A69.

    The M&S bike has already sold once but the buyer dropped out due to parts taking ages to come from Ducati to get it running properly after 8 months standing in the showroom....... I personally think that its slightly over priced as its being sold through the shop.

  4. Bardon Mill, just off A69 too. I'll PM you with details
  5. PM sent-check your "Conversations" box (weird term for a message)
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