Bike Accident Mr. Air Con

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. My head wasn't injured in the accident!
    #721 AirCon, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2015
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  3. The hospital transport team guys were great. They got me down stairs and into the ambulance without a hair out of place.
    The 90 minute journey was hellish on my broken ribs, so bad I started feeling sick.
    As soon as I got out of the ambulance the hired wheel chair broke a front wheel. The ambulance driver gave me a wheelie all the way to OPAC. Poor Emma
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  4. Sometimes you have to move sideways before you can move forwards again.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Hey Paul,
    Wow, just caught up with this thread (been on a different planet for a few months), looks like you've had a bit of a life changing experience to say the least, I'm sure it puts a lot of things into perspective.
    I'm glad to hear you're on the mend, take care.
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  6. [​IMG]
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  7. Did my antirial (outside of knee if thats the one) and the one at back of same knee, broken foot in 4 places, smacked collar bone and shoulder. Couldnt walk for 6 weeks, couldnt bear weight on knee and it wasnopposite shoulder so that wouldnt take weight even if I hobbled on heal of cast

    Spent all that time on sofa dragging my ass to the downstairs loo (clip on youtube somewhere) and upstairs for bath. Slept of sofa for 4 weeks

    Feel ya pain matey. But that pain is better felt at home than in some 'orrible hospital ward :upyeah:
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  8. Sounds like I've got a same to look forward to.
  9. Back in hospital now.
    I cannot weight bearing on the left leg, so we need to find out why?
    When I can walk then I can go back home again.
  10. I hate to say this, Air Con, but it's the most interesting thread for ages. We are all behind you for a great outcome!
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  11. Wot, no ambulance a second time ??? :eek:
  12. Yep, but an old one
    The driver spent the whole of the very slow journey (traffic was heavy) from Hatton Cross sorting out his broadband connection and bill at home!

    I feel like I shouldn't be back in hospital as I'm functioning except I cannot walk.

    As I said before Monday is treated as an extension to the weekend, so despite letting the physioterrorist team know I was in at 11am they haven't seen me today.
    I've had my knee and ankle xrayed and I think both look ok. However I've had No mri or pet scans which can show ligament damage. Some say the external fixator will destroy the image or so I'm told.
    Despite the fact I'm in agony when I try to walk and my knee is sore to the touch the doctors say I've nothing wrong with me!
    Looks like I need to get my act together and just walk out!

    The impact in the accident was so great that my left leg was 3" shorter than my right at the road side. Initial assessment (for the first 24hrs) said broken ankle broken lower leg and knee.
    Later this was reviewed to just leg.
    I believe that some ankle and knee damage did happen, but they are yet to detect this.
    #734 AirCon, Sep 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2015
  13. First whole day in hospital. Saw top surgeon who did operation and he says the bones and fixator look great, so it's just down to the physioterrorist team to get me walking. Nothing wrong with patient.
    Physioterrorist says soft ligament damage and will refer back to bone doctors. :Banghead:Another doctor inspected me like I was going into the army and he said I was fit/: except ribs, arm and leg.:eek:
    My male nurse was under continous assessment all day (3 instead of 1 persons). This made it cramped and slow today.
    After my physioterrorist assessed my framed walk to a nearby chair my nurse asked me to return to the bed so he could clean my pin sites.
    Being in a fluster he left the brakes off on the bed. As a result the bed moved as I tried to get on it. I fell (like a drunk old man). I tried to prevent the fall with my broken hand (only the arm and wrist is supported) and faulty left leg.
    He hand hurt like f€@k and didn't grip what I told it to. The faulty left leg felt like 1000Volts just went up it and immediately gave way. It didn't feel like broken bone pain. Luckily I fell on to the bed the breath knocked out and 100% street cred missing.
    May be a trapped nerve when applying weight? I told the physio and she said "not good". I await to see what this translates to,

    It looks like my lung drain site has an infection which they are treating very seriously. Had all my dressings changed and wound sites cleaned. It felt like a cheap service before an MOT.
    Food has been of low end greasy spoon quality, so a massive improvement.:Eggonface:

    My wife Emma couldn't get in today as some people tested out the conductivity of the human body at the pressure of 600 volts DC. The TFL website reported the station closure as trespassers causing delays.
    Those trespassers required two complete paramedic teams and a fleet of ambulances.

    Even after nearly 20 years I really miss Emma when we don't see each other every day. Sorry lads for being so soppy.
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  14. respect. :upyeah:.
    similar vain, wee man left hospital after stookie and pins removed three weeks ago with no offer of physio, so the wife's mate took him on he still cant move his arm more than approx 30degrees she tells us we have a two month window to sort this my surgeon mate says bollox (respectfully) what do you do?, who do you believe?.
    anyhoo, your wife sounds v.nice. swap?:smile:
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  15. So long as you are not doing any damage the move as much as you can.
    In the absence of any medical advice. Twist, stretch, bend and exercise without weights.

    Mrs. Aircon is not available for swapping.
    Years ago in a nightclub a very sexy teenage girl wearing very little whispered to me if she could kiss (my then girlfriend) Emma. I laughed and said ask her. She then whispered into Emmas ear the same. They spoke and laughed for about 10 minutes. My mate kept asking me "what did she say". Eventually I told him. He didn't believe me. Then he asked Emma and she confirmed it with her response of may be later. To this day my mate is convinced I've made a pact with the devil in this lifetime.
    Not sure about that...but she is my rock and best friend.

  16. Awww hugs Paul
    Dark days are pants but there is light at the end of the tunnel your getting there

    Sounds like quite a day for you and your allowed soppy moments and a few tears understandably

    Hoping that you feel a little easier today
  17. that's all fine and dandy but it aint a reason for not swapping. :smile:.
    was in a similar situation about twenty years ago(different partner) i often boast about the outcome
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Unfortunately the young lady in our encounter must have found a more willing partner as she never returned.
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