Misano 2015 **spoiler**

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Air Duck, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Rossi The Relentless?

    9 vote(s)
  2. Marquez The Marauder?

    5 vote(s)
  3. Lorenzo The Laser?

    4 vote(s)
  4. Your Gran?

    1 vote(s)
  1. Looks like JLo is blaming the rules and the organisers for his crash. Not a fan the flag to flag rule now. Lorenzo lashes out over “dangerous” weather-change rules - MotoGP News

    The thing is though with Rossi and Lorenzo it was easy from our perspective to say when they should pit, but we are not fighting for a World Championship. Every move/decision they make is important and can change their path to becoming WC. They were having a sort of Mexican standoff as to who would make the first move
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. I just read that Crashslow is blaming Dovi now for the fact that he pitted too late. It's really beginning to annoy me that he has an excuse for everything....

    I do rate him, but he seriously needs to shut his mouth and get stuck in, instead of it always being other people's fault.

    Also... we just need rain now every race in order to make the championship exciting, hmm.... let's hope next years rules work, because honestly, Jlo in the dry was a machine, there was no movement from the bike, he was absolutely on rails.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Knew he'd moan soon enough. Didn't see everyone else throw it up the road after changing back to slicks. He should have realised that side of the tyre would be cold, everyone else did. Certainly don't hear Bradley moaning and he didn't even bother with wets.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Thanks for the link (new one on me) and yeah, JLo's downfall nothing to do with not testing the 'water' before pushing uh? Ahhh, he doesn't like it wet.

    He still could beat Vale to the title though...

    Dunno about the Rossi thing - I thought he was being as smart as when he just stayed behind JLo and MM, but then he seemed to lose the plot, decide to teach JLo a lesson on a track he must know better than most, and thrill the crowds at the same time. He was still out there for a lap once JLo had pitted.

    Zero strategy once he passed JLo imo.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Posted this on "the other" forum.
    Many strategies going on in Vals and Jlo's head. First and formost is there is only one race going on with these guys, and that race is against each other. Nothing else matters. Rossi has to juggle how long he can stay out on wets, will it rain again, how much time it takes to pit and change as opposed to stay out and maybe finishing with slower lap times but still winning because you didn't pit. AND luring your opponent into a false sense of security. Sitting back in your armchairs you can't begin to know what goes on in their heads.
  6. But we're all expert racers who have won many world championships... Hence the term armchair racer... Duh!
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  7. hehe... thought you got lost!

    Didn't read this thread did ya bro, did ya?
  8. Yep, JH is correct.
  9. Wot Vale did said:

    “Different thinking [about today's result],” began Rossi, speaking in the Movistar Yamaha hospitality as rain continued to fall. “I mean it is a shame for the race, especially at Misano. It was important to try to arrive on the podium, but after a very good weekend always with sun, today the conditions were very, very difficult.”

    The qualifying order of Lorenzo-Marquez-Rossi had been repeated during the dry early stages of the race, before the shock shower forced riders to pit for their wet weather bikes.

    Rossi initially struggled to match the pace of Lorenzo and Marquez, before recovering almost four-seconds to pass the duo with 12 laps to go. Had the rain continued, Rossi may well have repeated his wet Silverstone victory and claimed his first back-to-back wins since 2009.

    “The first two-thirds of the race were good because I was not so bad on the dry at the beginning and after we changed the bike for the first time, to rain tyres, was also a good part of the race because I was very strong and very fast," he said. "I also enjoyed fighting with Jorge and Marc, and I was in front."

    The race took another twist as the rain cleared, sending those lower down the order straight back into the pits for slicks. The race leaders - let alone title leaders - always have more to lose by gambling on an early stop, but when third place Marquez pulled in with ten laps to go, only Rossi and Lorenzo were left on badly worn wets.

    "After it began drying and we had to change the bike again," Rossi confirmed. "It was a difficult decision. For sure for me and Jorge fighting for the championship it is more tricky, more difficult, to try to take the right decision without risking too much.

    "I know that if you pit earlier it is better for the result, but more risky. Two laps before I wanted to stop but it was still raining a little on the back straight and I thought if I stop and it starts to rain more, for me the result would be very bad. Also I check a little bit and Jorge was still behind me, so I decide to continue. I stayed out a little bit too much and I lost time during the next two laps."

    The writing was on the wall for the race leaders when eventual winner Marquez began lapping ten-seconds quicker than the Yamahas. Lorenzo duly pitted next time around, but Rossi stayed out for yet another lap, leaving him in danger of being overtaken by Lorenzo.

    However the Spaniard promptly crashed out, leaving Rossi to slot into a safe fifth after re-joining from the pits. The Doctor has now increased his title lead from 12 to 23 points.

    "I changed to slicks again and at the end I finished fifth. I wanna cry for sure! I hoped for a better result, also because I have a good potential in the dry and the wet," Rossi said.

    “I don't think I could have won, because to win today you have to have your mind free from the championship and take risks, especially with slicks on a drying track. Maybe I could have arrived on the podium or in front of Baz. So third or fourth instead of fifth.

    "The people who finished in front of me had nothing to lose. Marc was very fast and did the change at the right moment, but for example Smith - who finished second - didn't change tyres. It was a big, big, big gamble! If it had continued to rain he'd have been twelfth and I cannot do that. Also with Redding [third], he crashed earlier in the race and for that reason he changed to slicks. He made the right decision but it came because of a mistake.

    "For sure in Misano, in front of all these people and this special atmosphere, arriving on the podium was the target. But, from the other side, with the crash of Jorge, I extend my lead by eleven points and this is the most important thing. For the championship it is a great and important result.”

    MotoGP News - MotoGP Misano: Rossi 'wanted to cry', but 'important result'
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  10. good points and link... the mind boggles... was everyone else not on the same track with the same rules? whether the rules suck or not has no bearing on the result... it did seem like a mexican stand off but losing 30 secs to change bikes vs 10 secs a lap for the next 9 (?) odd laps? would have thought the teams (especially yamaha) would have been monitoring bradders lap times on the slicks and made it CLEAR to pit. but hey other than rossi wiping the floor with everyone it was the best result poss and entertaining as fuck!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Entertaining is certainly the word. Does make you wonder if they should have comms. You'd have heard Lin J on the radio telling them to get the fuck in NOW!
  12. i kinda like that they dont have coms and hope its the one element that remains old school... but it would be great to hear the bosses going nuts!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  13. Yeah I thought both JLo's and Vale's boards were telling them to put but they ignored it.

    Vale's been messing with an R1 there a lot this year so I've read, he must have had a significant advantage over JLo in the wet, which Vale is more confident in than Jorge anyway.

    Still feel Vale was trying to lure Lorenzo into a mistake by taking the lead and trying to pull a gap, or pull a gap to try and get an advantage when Rossi changed bikes.

    Problem is the tyres fell apart so he had to slow, Jorge was still on his bike, and wasn't half a lap behind.

    At that point Vale should have thought 'oh well, that didn't work, better get some proper tyres now then' but I dunno why he stayed out on obviously much slower destroyed shyte.

    There you go, kitchen chair expert me :upyeah:
  14. You need to sort yourself out some proper furniture [emoji386]
  15. You ever tried fitting proper furniture into a shed?

    Wtf do you then put the bike?
  16. @modertaors @site_owners : Can someone please explain how and why we use the 'Report' button?

    I'd like to report this post of xracer's for being too sensible and sticking to the facts.

    He's usually a complete idiot and all the better for it. Can you check if his account has been hacked by his mum?

    According to ancient historical scrolls (probably bullshit) he used to be pretty handy on an SBK

    Rides one of these now and covers his ass by saying something like "I'll post pictures of my really cool Ducati when I can figure out how to post pictures". Don't let that BS fool you guys:


    He told his mates he was actually at Philip Island at the time.
  17. have you all forgotten the biggest shock of the race,,, crashalot did not fall off his bike !!!,,, brilliant ride by him ........:Banghead:
  18. One thing I noticed at Silverstone: there was almost no Crutchlow merchandise on sale, whereas every 3rd person had some Rossi tat. The amount of money that must bring in!
    This seems to sum up where Crutchlow is these day in the British belief stakes, if no one at the British GP wants to wear his t-shirt...
    Is he a spent force? I don't understand why he is not competitive this year. The Honda was supposedly the bike to have. But he hasn't even been close. Mystifying and disappointing; he was looking very tasty on the Tech 3 before his enforced change of team.
    After 2/3 of a season, you'd have thought he'd have adapted to the new bike - if it was a problem of adaptation. Maybe he has a poor mechanical team?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Mods,twat icon please.
  20. he is no bloody use,, only of interest to overlly
    because he is no bloody good !! he wass only ever of interest to overly patriotic englishmen who were grasping at any would be great white hope who came along,, he has never won a top flight championship and like his predesessor Rocket Ron never really cut it in the top flight...still , he managed to stay onboard last weekend,, so you never know , maybe a resurgence to his mediocricy is on the cards,,,,johny come lately..
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