1200 Sat Nav Bracket

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Nickmts12, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Hi,

    I use a tom tom rider 2 GPS with a tourachech bracket that fixes across the bars, the problem with this is that when I have my tank bag fitted I cant turn the bars fully. I cant put this higher as t then blocks the instrument display completley. Im looking for some sort of bracket that will enable me to mount the GPS above the instrument display similar to where the BMW GS navs are located.

    I have come across the Navihalter but cant work out if it will work with my tom tom.

    Anyone know of any other products out there?

  2. I dont know of any alternatives but the tomtom should work fine with the navihalter
  3. TomTom rider 2 has the mounting bolts in the same layout and spacing as the Zumo 200/220, so yes, it will fit. Jon.
  4. I had my tomTom Rider II fitted to the Navi without any problems and its the best position for your sat nav
  5. I'm desperate to get the Navihalter. I just struggle with the German site (no English option) when it comes to address/registering/payment. I've emailed them but still waiting for a reply...
    Does anyone know if Navihalter have dealers in UK?
  6. Not as far as I'm aware, i used Google translate, just cut n paste each german word into it and you can understand the boxes to fill in.... they send straight away and are pretty good, I've bought 2 now old 1200 and DVT without any issues - good luck.
  7. Didn't bother with the navihalter. I have a 2010 so don't actually need the plastic 'bar' that the later bikes use for the one handed adjustment. I've just mounted straight onto that. Nick, you can use chrome or Firefox and they will give you an option to translate the site.
  8. I received an email from Mike at Navihalter. He doesn't speak English but told me send payment to the attached address and he'll do the rest via my PayPal account, sorted!
    Now I need a Garmin 590:rolleyes:
    Also, how do I connect it to the Ducati harness/plug?
    Would be nice if I didn't have to cut connectors:Bookworm:
  9. Pretty sure you can plug + play with the RIZOMA connectors, someone able to confirm my suggestion? Rizoma Turn Signal Cable Connector Kit

    RIZEE0073_lg.jpg turnsignaladapters_01.jpg
  10. don't know if this helps but that's the bracket when its fitted

    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. ps cable now runs behind the screen before any one makes any remarks.
  12. Tallboy, as if anyone would do such a thing!!!! Jon.
  13. But which connector is it?
  14. I ordered from navihalter website and just converted it in chrome. Brackets ace and is so simple.

    Charge cable is now out if the way too ;-)

  15. 99% sure used the Rizoma connector as pictured to connect the rugged GPS mount of my Garmin Montana 600 but not near my MTS in the moment to check....


    View attachment FullSizeRender.jpg
  16. tallboy, to route the cable behind the dash did you have to remove any items?

    Also realised that the DVT has a 'fly-lead' that you simply cut and solder the GPS loom to (two wires)
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