National Meeting

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by apuhtred, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Ok, I'm going to contact the castle this week to find out what events they have on next year, and see if there's one we can tag on to. I will also find out cost of camping for those interested.
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  2. That's how MSV do it too
  3. Can you also ask them when the weather is going to be nice too so we can link the two? :wink:

  4. I think Lord Lindsay would love to do that! We've had some pretty crap weekends weather wise these last 2 years, where we've sat under the arches watching it piss down, and apologising to folk because we can't let them have a play! Wooden bows and arrows hate the rain!
  5. You don't want much ET!!
  6. Just googled the castle and it looks a great place to meet but its a bit at one end of the country so may only attract those in the South. However if those grounds can be filled with 30 or so Dukes then Ill probably pay to see that !
  7. Have to agree about being perhaps too far south for a lot of people ( and I suggested it! Sorry), I hope we can get loads more than 30 Dukes together and have a great day. As I said earlier, I will contact the castle today and see if they have anything planned for next year that we can tag on to, and let you all know what they say! I'm hoping that we can make it an event where folk can arrive on the Saturday and camp/b&b and then enjoy the Sunday before riding home, and hope someone could do something maybe in Yorkshire that we could ride up to.
  8. Er if I knew how to do that I would. If you know how please make it so as the good captain would say.

    Regards Steve
  9. Sorry ths was in reply to Android asking me to post it as a poll.

    Regards Steve
  10. Castle Hedingham, less than hour from me. Count me in.

    Donnington trackday, definitley spectate, might indulge.
  11. Because you are the author of the thread it might work ....when you start a new thread if you scroll down you can make it into a poll with upto 10 questions ...not sure if it would be available now ....try editing the original post you put up
  12. Thanks for that. Had a go but do not seem to be able to do it. Archer is looking into it so might be good if he did this when he comes back with some info. Thanks again for the knowledge. Just need to think of a thread now to try it out.

    Regards Steve
  13. Hi, just an update. I contacted the castle but at the moment they don't have a definitive list of events for next year, when they do they will give me a call and we will see if there is an event we can tag along to, which will give us an idea of how well this is supported. If enough of us turn up, then who knows where it will go? When I have more info I will post another thread, hopefully with a poll, and gauge interest from there. Chris
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  14. Yes would be up for that, plenty of good routes around the area, just never been to the inn before
  15. And they have plenty of accommodation options
  16. I went up there around new year 2004 on my Blade. It was freezing and there was about 4" of snow on the ground. :eek:
  17. PMSL.........WTF did you expect to find up a f*cking mountain in winter :biggrin:
  18. If I'd known I'd have taken my snowboard :wink:
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