This is the stream at the bottom of my garden . And it's still raining hard! View attachment 6477 View attachment 6478 View attachment 6479
Dont remind me! I've just had the pleasure of rodding the drains to mine. Bloody things are a pain :-(
I've got sand bags ready and waiting. The last time we had bad weather like this (2 months ago) the wall under our deck collapsed and we've just had it re-built courtesy of the insurance company. If it happens again they won't be as quick to pay up I'm sure.
If the rain eases a bit then it will go down rather quickly. But if it continues like this for a few more hours then we will have a problem.
Considering its about 6' high at the moment and its normally about 8" deep it can be considered a boat load :frown:
Our river is much the same, problem is it keeps rising ages after the rain stops for obvious reasons... That said it no where near as close as yours mate, hope she calms down..