Ever Had Someone Deliberately Try To Knock You Off?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Advikaz, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. I wasn't going to say anything, but seeing as I'm having a slow day.

    I went out Saturday during the day, which is unusual for me, as I'm more of an early starter on the weekends to avoid traffic.

    I can't even begin to say how bad the driving was, went through my local town and had not one but two drivers cut round abouts and nearly take me off, neither of them had a clue. They must have heard me? lol

    Worst one however was on my way back, I came to some lights and went to the front as per usual (red light). (was turning right at the lights) and a car deliberately put his foot down in order to force his way alongside me (single lane), I was not expecting this naturally so was fairly Conservative pulling away. I always shoulder check at lights and could see him launching this car as well as audible tyre noise. He then cut the corner (I think may have even gone up the kerb) and tried everything he could to run up the inside of me in an attempt to push me out wide and over a traffic island on the outside.

    Absolute f*cking idiot, and no reason for it at all! I didn't get the plate unfortunately.

    Oh and once he'd screamed off the lights, he then proceeded to do around 25 mph in a national holding up traffic (I'd booted it and got well clear of him).

    Diagram (because paint skills) I'm the red line, f*ck stick is the blue. He was literally less than 30 cm's away from hitting me.

    Anyone had anything similar? I've had people block me filtering through traffic before but nothing like this.


    Cars on the outside are actually parked on a pretty high traffic island (triangle type thing).
    #1 Advikaz, Sep 29, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  2. I've had similar.
    The Jag driver and I ended up escorting each other to the local Cop Shop to have it out there (Jag driver's idea, it was the only way to avoid a punch-up under the gaze of a railway crossing CCTV camera - I didn't fancy losing my job as a result of a being arrested).
    The police were not even slightly interested in the he-said, she-said that ensued and sent us both on our way.
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  3. All the time. I commute on a scooter and regularly filter, ending up at the front of queues at traffic lights. I've had cars doing similar to your experience, where I can see out of the corner of my eye they are going to try and get past me when the lights go green. Fortunately the scooter is a Vespa 300cc auto and not much will beat it over the 1st 50 metres :). By the time they have dropped their clutch, I'm away. If I ever come across a GT-R and they guy looks like he's engaging launch control, I'll concede, but it hasn't happened yet. :Nailbiting:

    When filtering between 2 lines of cars, 99.99% of drivers are great, leaving enough room or moving over if they realize they haven't. I occasionally get the odd person pulling over to block my progress, but a quick shimmy around the other side of their cars usually does it much to their annoyance. If you can punch their mirror while doing it........result.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. What was his argument ?
  5. "You don't filter at roundabouts. I know, I'm a biker, I ride bikes, you just don't filter at roundabouts." Penis-headed git.
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  6. I generally wouldn't filter to the front at a round about, usually one behind or so.

    People are mega aggressive on the roads these days, especially in Kent where I live.
  7. I would agree, on a roundabout if the traffic is moving, I wouldn't filter. If the traffic is stationary it's OK to filter to the front of the queue.

    Up to the point you reach the roundabout, I think that's fine in stationary or slow moving traffic.

    I stand here ready to be shot down, but that's what I do..
  8. when filtering in long traffic on motorways you very occasionally get a vehicle start closing the gap (rather than widening it) for you as you approach from behind with your lights on. I try not to jump to conclusions when it happens but i'm sure a percentage do it on purpose when they see you coming.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. yip, the local tool, rammed from the rear twice in his car when i was doing about forty on my rd80. when i refused him a go. think he is deed now. good.
  10. I agree, but I have to be confident that I can reach the front before I start to filter, otherwise I say where I am.
  11. So do I. I normally shout out to the driver in front.. " I'm behind you ". :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I had a BMW driver on the motorway pull across the lane to stop me filtering
    I just waited and pulled into the next available "bike " space to his left did I laugh knobber
    Had someone open a door as well while filtering on the same day
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Filtering is situational. There are times when it is fine, at other times, not. Filtering up to a roundabout can be fine, or dangerous, it really depends and you always have to employ your best judgement.

    The thing is, I live in West Sussex. In West Sussex, 90% of all road tarmac is roundabout tarmac (although there is a road I often use that has a gap of at least thirty feet between roundabouts - we call it the Harting Straight :rolleyes:).

    But seriously, West Sussex County Council has a real hard-on for roundabouts, I believe the councillors receive massive bonuses for each one. If I didn't filter at roundabouts ... I would never, ever filter at all.
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  14. I had a conversation about a year ago with a fairly senior member of staff saying how if he saw a motorbike filtering how he would always try and block their progress and push over into the push bike areas to stop them getting past - utter knob - he didn't know at the time I was a motorcyclist - he does now [emoji6]
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  15. What an utter bell end.

    Why would you do such a thing.
  16. Because he's a bell end.
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  17. I experienced round about stupidity twice, today.
    The first was by a minibus which entered a roundabout, that I was already on, from my left and then proceeded to block my exit by overtaking a slower vehicle ....and then, both of us having exited the roundabout at the same exit (in the right-hand lane), insisted on sticking in the right lane, deliberately to stop me passing (this was one of the very few occasions I passed anything on the inside) and as I was passing the driver started pulling across into the left lane, again just to cause me grief....an absolute w**ker and I made my feelings very clear to him!
    The second was an oldish chap who approached a roundabout in the left lane and stayed to the left while on the roundabout even though he went around and took the exit to the right (not using his indicator while on or exiting). Fortunately I kept behind him or he would, without any doubt in my mind, have taken me out as I took my, earlier, exit.

    Roundabouts - there seems to be a complete lack of training, understanding and/or common sense....and don't get me started on indicating!
    #17 Stanford, Sep 29, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1

    • Funny Funny x 4
  19. I was forced onto the grass verge by a hgv driver who decided he didn't want me filtering. He was blocking cars from passing in queuing traffic on a duel carriageway. I tried to pass on his outside but he blocked me so I went on his inside and that's when he swerved and forced me onto the grass. Normaly I would shake my head and ride on but on this occasion I thought NO!!! I proceeded to enter his cab and have a nice friendly chat :Blackeye:.
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  20. There was a serious accident involving a biker on a roundabout close to where I live on Saturday. It is a notorious accident blackspot and the supposed improvements made to it a couple of years ago, only to have the lanes modified again shortly afterwards, have not helped. The issue is that the several sets of traffic lights around the roundabout back up traffic into the previous exit and cars hoofing it in the outside lane of the exit rear end the backed up traffic. I never allow that to happen when I am on my bike and filter to the front of the second lane and use the acceleration of the bike to get clear to turn left.

    Awareness and taking control is the key.
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