1200 DVT Dvt Test Ride Vs Kawasaki Sx Youtube Vid

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mad_Sunday, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. I can't see a link to this on the forum, so I thought I'd post it here. This guy sounds a bit "London Gangster" but he also sounds well impressed. I keep watching it cos' it's bloody funny ;-) If I'm not following forum rules, please forgive me as a newbie and delete/edit it. The Kawasaki test is a bit "normal" but it gets good around 14mins in when he picks the Multi up. His mike is off at the beginning but give it time. I'm in no way condoning his riding, maybe it's the way it's done in the smoke?

    Clicky me
  2. I've watched that couple of weeks ago, this guy's so funny when he goes bananas on the DVT, I think his fx go right to the point :Wacky:
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  3. I watched this a few months ago, and frankly would be amazed if he is still alive. He has absolutely no conception of appropriate speed, and even less about spacial awareness. He will, or has, be splattered in the side or front of a car unfortunately for us, as it will promote more anti-bike press as a result. Jon.
  4. He says he has a VFR1200 and has been riding for 15 years (maybe he's been lucky). Like I said, I'm not condoning his riding, it was his reaction to the bike I "enjoyed". Having driven in the London area a couple of times, my guess was "they all drive/ride like that", even the cyclists ;-)

  5. What a complete twat, is he black ? or just thinks he is, plastic gangster
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  6. White Rasta .
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. I really don't understand the negative comments!
    Everybody has their personal driving style and motorbike driving is different than car because of the dynamics. In some countries police seem to understand that better than in others. I am happy I can drive without the stress of being pursued by the police just because I went 30mph over the speed limit. Few times I've encountered police during fast acceleration and they just gave me a sign to slow down instead of making the day for themselves by lecturing me or dragging me with fines or any other trouble. I recognize the necessity for safe driving and respect to the rules and I try to do my thing in a safe manner. I believe that every rider feels the same way, we'd love to enjoy our machines to the limits but we're not alone. Nevertheless that's why we keep working on our driving skills so that we can enjoy these technology marvels and avoid harming others no matter how different that may seem from the outside.
    I think that this guy knows how to handle his bikes very well, so I doubt that one day he would smash on the back of any car, most likely he might drop the bike while stopped talking to his buddies in a parking lot.
  8. The comments about his riding I suppose are acceptable, but as to whether he's "black" or aspires to be.... A tad racist? Your accent bears NO relationship to your ethnicity I'd suggest.

  9. Here's his S1000XR review which is interesting:
  10. Putting his courier-with-a-timebomb riding style to one side, it's a relief to have someone compare the XR and MTS based on actually living with it.

    I'm bored of all the journos raving about the performance of the XR, only to put a little side note at the end of the review implying it vibes a little. My experience is it vibes like a Dremel drill!
  11. Oh dear, he took the KTM 1290 out on his new video. He gave the Ducati 10 and the KTM 10.5 (innit lol)

  12. Arihess, at times he is doing about 80mph in a 30 limit. However "well he knows how to handle his bike" the odds are stacked against him. (And any pedestrians who step out expecting traffic to be doing about 30 etc.)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. The KTM rides and handles like a sports bike. Not sure about long term comfort though. Also there are other features like riding modes which allow you to switch a whole raft of parameters on the fly. Something the KTM can't do. Its a nice bike, but the DVT suits my all round needs best.
  14. I consent to that rule to get my driving license, but I have no sympathy at all for prdestrians who step out expecting ... simply because that's totaly stupid and risky. Both ends need to watch their part and common sense says watch on both sides before you cross, especially when you hear a motorbike roaring somewhere nearby. In my books both car and motorbikes are heavier than my body. Although I very much appeciate the lawmakers consideration it will be me suffering probably most of the pain if something happens although the other guy could even end to the death row - most likely just get a fine ir loose driving license.
  15. Ok mate, it's fine to do 80mph in a 30mph limit. Makes perfect sense, and if a pedestrian gets run over it is their fault.
    #15 nuttsmutts, Oct 8, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
  16. I know. Stupid pedestrians and other road users thinking we're doing 30 in 30mph speed restricted area. Whatever next. :rolleyes:
  17. If you want people to slow down in practice you need to build road bumpers -not those ridiculous yellow ones but real ones that can't be passed fast even with an suv, add maybe flash studs, etc. That's the right way of slowing down traffic if that's the intention to create a speed restricted area. Decreasing the speed limit will make the road department guys feel good because they saved some money if they got this at the first place.
    Least but not last the rules fro pedestrians define clearly that the pedestrian should watch before crossing, should cross in designated zebra locations, should pay attention for approaching vehicles with special attention to bicyclists and motorcycles and should cross lively -not running- while continue watching the for approaching vehicles.
    Having that said, no I don't think it's ok doing 80mph, and after he gave the KTM 10.5 he can go f.k himself, he's dead to me!
    #17 arihess, Oct 8, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
  18. I'm a twat..what a complete moron you are. So because I'm black I'm a fake "plastic gangster?" What is it the accent?..So by your definition is everyone from "tup north" a bunch of northern webbed footed yahoo's because of their accents? My great grandma came over to England in the late 40's and asked for nothing..we've been here a loooog time son. You must be having a heart attack at the recent influx of immigrants. How pathetic. Funny how my bike doesn't respond to my inputs any differently because I am black..and Ducati were not uninterested in my money when I recently put an order down for a 2015 Multi S...strange how they "accepted" my dosh regardless of colour. People like you are a disgrace. So me riding a bike with a bit of gusto makes me a twat...but I bet you are subbed to the likes of baron von grumble and royal Jordanian who regularily ride hard..pop wheelies and do all manner of things on public roads. MCN and Motorcycle.com are also party to this kind of behaviour..are all their subscribers staff and collegues twats as well? Its real big talking shit on a dibby little forum, but you'd never say it to my face rest assured of that. I work in an highly respected industry and earn a very decent wage. You upset because I black guy likes bikes? I posted my vids inspired by other bloggers, you think you add to the culture with your soured retorts but you lessen it. I've had rs125s rs250s (2 strokes) cagivas and currently run a blade and a viffer. You make me laugh. I only joined this forum because if little racists like you are not responded to they wrongly think they are in the right. How sad. I'll enjoy my Multi when I comes in Feb..Al the more so for knowing a dweeb like you has a problem with a black guy who rides. Die slow
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  20. It's OK..I actually ended up putting down for the Multi..the KTM is a better allrounder but didn't quite touch the spot like the multi in reflection so..all good...and I won't be fucking myself but if your mother taught you that kind of behaviour is acceptable then please..proceed to bugger yourself
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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