15 year old girl and 30 year old bloke, what do you all think?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GLYNH, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. discuss.
  2. When he's 45 she'll be 30. What's the problem? :wink:
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  3. Isn't that the 30 year old teacher and 15 year old girl?
  4. I don't think it was a great career move.....he'll need a new job....when he gets out! :eek:

    When she's 30 he'll be a lucky bar steward but now he's just gonna be a dirty old bar steward!
  5. Position of trust and age of legal responsibility skew this slightly, If it werent for that no one would so much as bat an eyelid at this age gap.

    My last girlfriend and i had a 14 year age gap between us
  6. Each to their own but the teacher will be deemed as abusing his position and he will burn for eternity.
  7. I wouldn't be too impressed if my daughter came home at that age with her 30 year old teacher

    You don't intrust your kids to school for teachers to be getting involved with them intimately
  8. A big mistake on his part I'm afraid, admittedly she's quite an attractive girl, but what a bloody fool to risk everything like he has. He's going to get locked up, probably suffer whilst he's inside as a child sex offender (deserved IMO) and will struggle to find a job when he is released. They're going to be found sooner or later and then he's in real trouble. I've no doubt the girl must take some responsibility for their actions, but she'll get away without punishment. Bloody idiots the pair of them!
  9. i agree the repocussions will be interesting..
  10. If you ask me they're just on a maths field trip, seeing how many times 30 goes into 15........

    I'll get me coat.....
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  11. Love is blind! I expect they couldnt give a toss what others think!
    Dont agree with it but i'm just being a realist!!!!
  12. That's why they have run away because they know exactly what is being thought

    Would have been better for them to wait a year or two then get together once she left school
  13. Seems he was about to be suspended over this relationship, shame the school didn't do something sooner as they were aware of how " close" they were getting.
  14. The bloke's lost his marbles doing something like that. Mind you, he'll have his marbles forced back into him on a regular basis in clink. Daft git.

    If it were my daughter? It'd be me in the clink. GBH with intent to annihilate.

    Couldn't have waited a couple of years? Bonkers.
  15. Its been going on for a bit tho.I think the school was investigating,he probably got wind and thats what made them offski now..
  16. I agree
    Schools are quick enough to inform you when your child is doing wrong
  17. He won't if he changes his religion :wink:
  18. Where's his wife in all this? She's been conspicuous by her absence
  19. When I was 30 I was boning a 17 year old.. Good times.

    I'd have to pay for that nowadays
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  20. I would be having a chat with him
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