So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Removed Datatool yesterday and it all went well - only had 2 isolating circuits applied which surprised me. What didn't go well is that in an effort to rest my weary ears I put the unit in the back of my car under a jumper while I finished off the soldering. Forgot this bit when I set off for Guildford the following day and so I had a final Datatool sound track all the way there. Shows that I still retain some patience as I didn't stop and throw it away. Unlike previously removed units, this is in perfect working order and I even cut off the leads as long as possible in case anyone wants it. It's a Datatool 433 and comes with 2 working actuators. Might put it in the parts section but if anyone happens to read this, I am happy to deliver it at Boxhill etc it's free of course.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I managed to scare the postman today by going to the door completely naked.

    I'm not sure what scared him more, my naked body or the fact that I knew where he lived.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  4. :Hilarious:

    Today, I spilled my cup of coffee. Ron, you bugger.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. It will go up a lot ! Painful for first couple years but it does get better :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Had a consultation at the spinal unit to investigate my back problems. Probably not prolapsed discs, as I'd always been told, more likely knackered facet joints. (Vertebra worn out). Further clinical investigation to follow but unlikely to be any surgical solution to reverse the damage. So no more digging and no more low level or below-ground work. I am now a bricklayer only from the waist up. I need another job. The kick I need to get out of an industry I grew tired of a long time ago. God knows what I'm going to do now though.. Mind is a blank.
    #25406 Gimlet, Oct 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2015
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. Could be bad news, could be great news, depending on both your attitude and your opportunities.

    I hope it's the latter and that this is the start of a great new career.
  8. never miss an opportunity in a crisis. :upyeah::smile:
  9. Really sorry to hear that news Gimlet.
  10. I'm 29 and I'm at that point. It's not the riding bikes that does it... it's the crashing them.

    Luckily I don't do so much bending down at work now (photocopiers, telephones and IT) but when I do have to go help out one of the guys, I tend to have to wheel a chair in front of the machine. Osteopath has helped in the past but the pain always returns once you run out of money and decide it's all fixed. Osteopaths are expensive!
  11. I think I can muster the attitude. I won't be sorry to wave goodbye to construction. My problem is imagination. I struggle to come up with ideas.
    Ideally I'd like to ride Ducatis from San Tropez to Amalfi for a living. There can't be many people doing that. I think I'd be quite good at it and I'd be prepared to work jolly hard.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. We need a nob head smiley :Bag:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  13. You look 40+ :D :p

    Found that tape measure yet :)

    Mmmm, kettle time..
  14. Crap news mate. Iracroft were always looking for people when i was there. If you can weld my step-mum has a family member that owns a welding company in Blandford, i could ask if they have anything.
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  15. I rely on Naproxen but you can't keep taking that for the rest of your life unless you want a stroke and a dissolved stomach.
    My back might not necessarily get any worse by itself, but it certainly won't get any better so it makes sense to stop doing the things which have caused the damage so far. In your case crashing bikes. You must desist. Resist the pull of the hedge.
  16. Uphill paper round!

    I will find a weekend where I can measure those leads. It's not just measuring time though, it's the time to re-input the ohlins mechatronic settings. Doing that again will make me look even older.
  17. It's those pesky farmers leaving presents on our lovely country roads.

    Sky, grass, Sky, grass, Sky, grass... Ouch!
  18. I was on Naproxen all last year but mine was a prolapsed disc that eventually dissolved away buy itself, not good these back issues :(
  19. Got some Q-Bond glue on my fingers. wow that stuff burns.
  20. I had a quinsy from a hang nail once. Man, it was like being in Hell.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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