15 year old girl and 30 year old bloke, what do you all think?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GLYNH, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Im fkd if I could tell a 15-year old from a 20-year old nowadays? I hold my hands up and admit freely with the right makeup & clothes there is no telling - easier when I was young and there was no access/knowledge of makeup etc, given their mums makeup and mascara they would usually end up looking like a clown? :biggrin:

    A 15-year old is still a kid tho - all hero-worship & role-models? Got to frown upon that... If he had pulled an 18-year old then - still a bit of a wrong 'un - but good work! Would have a )!( like a mouses ear! :biggrin:
  2. Why could they have not just waited till she ws 16.. Still the wrong side of wrong but at least its legal
  3. Mouses ear ...... That is facking hilarious ....... Emm can i feed the hamster ?????
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  4. Agree with you, on a night in town, in a pub, many guys could fall into that trap.

    But, he knew her age, and knew it was wrong.

    Add another 10 years to their ages, and the gap is negligible. But, when she's only 15, and he's in a position of trust .... It all becomes a different issue.
  5. My ex was like feeding a hippo? No foreplay, get in there fresh and you might still touch the sides? :rolleyes:
  6. Bit like base jumping into a volcano for me .....
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  7. Not wishing to be all morbid about this but what exactly is their end game? The offences have been committed, His life certainly is down the pan, he will end up his cell mates bitch in prison.. He has all this to look forward to when he is inevitably caught. Have they got access to huge wads of unregistered cash to keep going? Doubt it.

    Im sorry to say but I fear the worst for this couple. I sincerely hope they are both found safe and well.

    I couldnt give a hoot about him, he deserves all thats coming he should know better, but at 15, on her part a HUGE mistake. Im sorry if my daughter got involved in something like this, as has been said before, I would be doing time!!!!.
  8. Isn't there any real news for the press to contend themsleves with, two people have decided to elope for what ever reason and its going to end in tears
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  9. I once went out with a girl that had had more pricks than a second hand dart board. She knew her stuff mind :smile:
  10. Name wasn't Emma tel was it ????:biggrin:

  11. I doubt he has taken her away for a game of Chess :biggrin:
  12. A gentleman never tells :wink:
  13. Maths exam , new govt directive

    If a 30yr old teacher takes a 15yr old pupil 120mls to France at 40mph

    How many years in jail will he serve ?
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  14. he could at least have been a gentleman and waiting until she was 16.
  15. or as Frankie Boyle once said..

    "all teachers are paedophiles..discuss"...
    "like ive always said..the ugly ones always turn up alive"...
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  16. Not funny.
  17. I pulled a heavy duty munter last night down the boozer, chuff me she looked like she'd been ducking for apples in a chip pan...had more hands up her than Sooty...been set on fire and put out with a golf shoe....had a face that would make an onion cry...so big I couldn't ride her into battle...seen more japs eyes than an oriental optician...a face like a stuntman's knee...a fanny like a yawning donkey...that ugly not even a sniper would take her out...been shot over more times than Sarajevo...a pair of flaps on her like a gutted trout...been cocked more times than Elmer Fudd's shotgun...an arse like a bag of spanners and a belly bigger than a bank horse.....But wey hey a shags a shag :biggrin:
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  18. having daughters myself, one being a head teacher herself I know from her getting rid of a teacher is very difficult, the most they can do is suspend them on full pay. but girls do seem to grow up so fast these days, or perhaps its Im just old but I think their both to blame
  19. I thought that legally anyone under 16 could not consent to sex, so no matter if consensual or not, its rape??
  20. I work in a school , we have to attend safeguarding training , what is except able and what is not is drummed into us firmly.

    It is a position of trust and you are responsible for that child while in your care at school.
    When I was at school in the 4 th year one of our classmates was caught with the woodwork / metalwork teacher!!
    Had a full blown affair.
    He was over 30 she was 15.

    Imagine what this blokes wife feels

    My friend said "first taking the register now on the register"!

    He's screwed will be banged up
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