I Hate Ebay Buyers, Me.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. My mother's car fails it's MOT last week. So instead of scrapping it I stick it on eBay to see if I can get her a little money for it. Described honestly, it needs some welding to the floor. I don't know how much as it isn't my car.

    Buyer wins on a best off er £200 which stops the advert.

    Starts communicating by text but no phone calls (which I hate). Arranges to turn up today and 2 hours later I see someone on my drive underneath the car. I go out of the front door to be greeted by 2 clampets (him and her) who look like they could do with a good jet wash. I begin to introduce myself and get a grunt back. He makes an excuse about it being for his son and says they'll bring him back in 1/2 an hour to see it and off they toddle.

    1/2 an hour later I get a text to say he's not coming back. So I'm the cost af an advert out of pocket to relist it, as you only get your FVF back, plus the aggro of going through this all again.

    I've never messed anybody about on eBay when buying, yet I always seem to get it on the odd occasion I sell anything.

    So I responded in the only way he understands.......I sent him a text telling him to get a wash ! :)
    #1 Robarano, Oct 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2015
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  2. I take it you know his name and address cos he knows yours (or your mums)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. got his mobile number.
  4. Yes and Yes, why?
  5. He has entered into a legal binding contract to buy the car. Advise him to come and drop your £200 off and collect his car. Open a case with eBay, you should be able to re list for free, and he can be held for payment.
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  6. It's a pain when you get messed about by numpties on e-bay, but to be fair you get exactly the same when you advertise on Auto-trader, or in Free-ads, or gumtree... Some people are just W -I--) s.
    When selling on e-bay I now specify Pay-Pal payment only... That helps...
  7. All my Ebay customers have been fab - not one issue in 6 months, must be due to them all being Ducati owners :Angelic:
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  8. I've never heard of this actually working. Maybe if it was afor a very high value item and I lost out in time and money and was prepared to go down the legal route. But for what it is, I'll just have to report it to eBay and get on with life.
  9. Thats fuck all compared to my eBay antics this week..

    On Monday I sold me next door but one neighbours BMW 2004 320d, she had it for 10 years, done 175k but serviced within an inch of its life. Never had a peep of trouble

    Bloke with english accent rings me in the day time saying he is interested in the car and he wants it as a stop gap till his company car arrives. Its advertised at £1850, he claims only to have £1500 so I says yes you could own it for that. We arrange a time for early eve.

    Knock on the door at 17;30 and even though he says its Sean he suddenly has an Irish accent, Says Its for his uncle who lives in Limerick Ireland who has just come out of prison!

    Sean drives the car and goes over it, he still tries to knock me down futher but I stand my ground. So deal done but he only want to fill out the trade part of the V5 so he gets to keep the main part.

    Less than 48hr later he rings up complaing the clutch has gone a whilst being driven across Ireland, says his uncle is not happy and kicking off so Sean is going to pass my number on

    Uncle Jimmy rings from Ireland on a mobile number starting +447******** so clearly Jimmy is not ringing from Eire

    Starts blurting on about its cost him 200 Euros to be recovered and the clutch and fly wheel will be 600 euros. Claims hes is ging to sent the car back to Liverpool docks when I should collect it from but not before he gets a refund for the car plus ferry x2 plus recovery plus repair costs!

    He says id better sort this out or else.. Then hangs up. As it goes I had pre-empted this and down loaded an app that records conversations

    Friday afternoon Jimmy rings back screaming blue murder and how he is sorting out getting the lads together and they will be tooled up etc etc blah blah blah do ya like dags

    Its so obvious to see the scam

    Reported it to the rozzers, but they said they were to busy out catching bikers with small numberplates!
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  10. My wife's never off Ebay - haven't had a bid for her yet
    • Funny Funny x 4
  11. It only takes one person to fall for it though, sadly.

    I had the same thing 15years ago on a Sierra Cosworth I sold. Irish guy starts complaining that the car had previously been damaged (it hadn't). He gave up when the intimidation was going nowhere, although it was quite nasty at the time. I had the same type of threats of a load of his mates coming round to sort me out.
    #11 Robarano, Oct 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2015
  12. I'm getting abusive messages from the clown on the re-listed car and best offer bids for pennies. :Nailbiting:

    Proper little keyboard warrior he is. Couldn't say a word to my face and wouldn't pick up his phone yesterday when he texted he wasn't returning. But he's oh so brave behind a keyboard or text message.

    I won't lower myself or give him what he wants by acknowledging him. Quite humorous really. He's a cowardly, scruffy twat without 2 pennies to rub together. :Meh:
  13. Last big item I brought was a kayak (£1,300), the asshole used the original photo of when he got it. Instead of the sun-kissed 7 year old condition, trouble was I'd drove 4-hours to collect it & just felt obligated to end the saga (as i am an honorable person). Thieving kunt frankly but you live & learn'
  14. I never use Ebay or PayPal having been heavily defrauded (several grand) a couple of years ago.......

    ....although the bank gave me back the cash in full, they are apparently still investigating how it occurred.
  15. "U.K is falling out of love with eBay" according to a news article not so long ago. Is it any wonder, I try and avoid like the plague.
  16. I felt so sorry for the bloke that came round for my 07 R1. Literally 45 minutes before he was due, I thought I'd warm it up for him. Error code, no spark. I'd ridden it the day before. Had to apologise and send him away. Turned out to be the immobiliser wire had worn through (common problem due to routing). Had it fixed the next day but had to go through the hassle of relisting.
  17. Statistically, the chance of having a problem when buying or selling on e-bay (or Amazon, or Gumtree) is extremely low. Millions of transactions are carried out with no problems at all. Of course that's no comfort if you're having to deal with a half-wit chancer numptie...
    Another top tip is always check the other persons "rating" and never deal with anyone who hasn't got a good one...
  18. Not always a good indicator, I got ripped off by a seller who had 100's of great reviews, after I was ripped off l learnt that fraudsters have a way of ripping off and using other sellers reviews to bolster and create there own, this was from the Met.
  19. Yes, I am aware that this can happen... I guess if someone is determined to rip you off they will find a way of doing it. It's just a shame that they can't put as much effort into doing an honest days' work !
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  20. I have nearly 1000 feedback and the number of defaulting buyers is minute. When it does happen I just grit my teeth relist and move on. No point getting upset about it even though you want to shit through their letterbox.

    eBay/Paypal fee's ruin it for me. It was huge piss take when they started taking a percentage of the postal fee.

    I have tried Shpock over the last month or so, I not impressed. Even more than eBay its full of chancers. Doesnt matter what you put on at what ever price they still want to kick you in the nuts with insulting offers. It really is an online carboot.
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