Oh poo, thinking about it, it might - you know what happens when he gets a twinkle in his eye's :Wideyed:
An 1100cc twin cafe racer making 90 bhp? Doesn't sound like the power to weight ratio will be any improvement on the current Thruxton. POWWWWWWWERRRRRRR is not a dirty word Mr Bloor. More please..
Usual POS fat, slow, old, top heavy iron. Don't get me wrong I've always had a soft spot for trumpets since I got my first Bonnie (T140V back in the day after years of BSAs) and it was the fulfillment of what I'd been dreaming about up until that point. Wouldn't touch anything from them with a barge pole these days apart from the 675R and even then only on a short circuit if I didn't have a Duke to hand. But that's just me. Buy loads of em, why not if you like em.