M1 Crash

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JH_1986, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. I read that a bus in front stopped. He wasn't paying much attention until too late, swerved last second and clipped the back of the bus in front and never got off the gas or went near the brake.

  2. Attention is the biggest player
    If your not paying attention it will all go wrong
    I would say it dwindles with age but my two kids on times have the attention span of a pea and wonder why it went wrong
    Keep your eye on the ball
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Just amazes me that the thought of braking never entered his mind.
  4. Just amazes me that the thought of braking never entered his mind.
  5. So with all the gimmickry, sat-navs, bluetooth etc etc accidents are more likely to happen......

    Who, FFS, should need an indicator in the car to tell the driver when to change up or down, or even to tell them what gear they are in??

    Turn the buggers off and learn how to drive properly without looking at all the electronic shite on the dashboard and the display.

    IMO, all the gimmickry is for people that haven't had the priviledge (or the ability) to drive cars that had a steering wheel, brakes, clutch and a throttle.....

    .............Eg, if a driver can't start off on a hill without Hill Start Assist or do an emergency stop without ABS maybe they shouldn't have passed the driving test.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Absolutely, @Ducbird . It is the ability and willingness to maintain concentration at a high level continuously for long periods which is the most important thing in driving. Unfortunately the driving test does not test this. Ability to control the vehicle, knowledge of the Highway Code, and willingness to stick to 30 mph for a half-hour test are useful attributes, as far as they go, but they do not address the main issue.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Arquebus, although generally I agree with your logic, but to gain experience you need to be in those situations in a real life, if you are lucky and got away with it great but with so much more traffic and crap drivers many are not so lucky, and we all have panicked etc., I.E with out ABS in the past been lucky, and missed something, but ABS may have helped you miss that object, should you then think well turn it off? and learn to drive with out it.
    Driving is very different now, when I was 17, I had fast cars, but I taught myself, and put myself in situations to learn in safe environments (well no other cars around) and it is that experience you learn from, I.E Driving down a mile long straight at 120, and slam on the brakes and see what happens, by god it was shocking how long it took to stop, but it certainly made me aware, find gravel car parks, and just lose control and learn how to regain, hand brake turns you know the usual fun stuff, now days Kids / people do not, can not do now, which for me is why before anyone learning to drive learns how to control the car, Brake, pull away, and steer safely on private land or set up places before they even go near a road.
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  8. I think Tom Tom say nav have a part to play I hate the things I find them distracting
    I'm visual rather than hearing so I would have to look at it to make sure I was going the right way
    Even then I went wrong with one of them and I was distracted for 5 mins
    Never again !!!!!
    I noticed people use their phones for navigating so the temptation to check your txt must be great too

    You don't take your test with these bloody things in the car

    I think indicators are forgotten because drivers are focused in other places

    Drivers are too reliant on being told what to do that's it technology tells them they don't have to think

    Cruise control is great if you remember to turn it off when an incident is occurring otherwise plough straight into it

    I think oldies panic quicker when things go wrong and make mistakes
    Another thing I have seen old people struggle to get out of their car through bad legs/back lack of neck movement
    How can their reactions be quick when there bodies struggle to move
    How do they turn to check their blind spots

    Some people drive and don't give a frig

    Some authorities can't even get road signs and markings sorted
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Problem is, in the cities, it's exactly the cyclists and pedestrians that are dying.

    Hence the 3MPH suggestion.

    Does anyone actually want that?

    It's that thing whereby society's laws are being built around the dim instead of requiring all to take responsibility for themselves.

    So many deaths due to cyclists going up the inside of HGVs that are turning left - and indicating to do so.

    Then laws, and roads, get changed to protect the cyclists from their own inability to take proper precautions. Same with pedestrians.


    Instead of penalising all road users in the above example - why not just make it illegal for cyclists to pass a left-turning-vehicle on its left?
  10. Has it ever occurred to some people Driving is a pleasure, and not always a necessity, pretty well most ride their motorbikes for pleasure, not because we need to get somewhere.
  11. Pete you see it all the time nobody pays attention in supermarkets kids are allowed to climb in the trollies
    Babies are left while the parent grabs things
    Kids run around with empty baskets

    Yes a quick test does not prepare you for the real road for other drivers reactions
    You need to be alert and stay alert

    Attention to detail will keep you safe
  12. @Ducbird tbh some of what you state in your last post, applies to 30 years ago :)

    just sat navs were maps on lap
    Mobiles were CB's
    Trying to unravel a tape stick in player,
    Some Cars never had indicators :(
    Being burnt by ciggy lighter and dropping it on the floor, (not me never smoked)
    Far more drink drivers

    Less traffic though :)
    ohhh the good ole days :)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1

  13. Why do cyclist do that
    Personally I would hold back and wait for the lorry to move

    You see motorbikes filtering past traffic that has stopped to let another car cross in traffic
    The motorbike just sails past now why didn't he stop did he not wonder why the car was going to turn
    Pedestrians just walk out no looking

    People need to take responsibility for themselves
    Blame it on the no win no fee accident claim lines
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. By mid-summer there had been nine cyclist deaths, just in London, this year alone, from exactly that scenario.

  15. I have been driving 30 years
    I stopped to read maps
    My CB was in my bedroom
    I did have the odd sandwich and drink and I have nearly crashed into a van coming the other way not looking when overtaking

    Traffic was less then and guys have supped up cars that they ragged around the town country side but somehow we all managed to stay safe ish

    I guess the thought of my dad going mad should I harm myself was a good enough reason to stay out of trouble
    Also I had a good manager ex army who showed me how to drive properly as he came out with me and gave me good safety tips

    I was a van driver for 10 years

    Thinking about it maybe more traffic about is a problem not enough space

    I'm dreading my son driving but I'm going to go out with him when he passes his test and help he be a safe driver
  17. As more details are released, I have a couple of questions which only the van driver can answer. If I have the available facts correct and this accident happened around 2am, why was the Transit van in the outside lane of what would have been a very lightly used motorway and why didn't the van driver make any effort to get out of the lane the moment he realised the oncoming head lights were on his side of the motorway ? Still absolutely no excuse for driving the wrong way up a motorway. Andy
  18. Is that right? I read that the van ended up in the central reservation but not that the driver was in the outside lane.

  19. He was probably tired I have driven middle lane at 2am
    I should imagine headlights looked like they were on other side until he realised shocked maybe stunned to have a car coming at him in his lane!!!
    I guess it's not something you would be expecting or ready to react too

    I think I would have frozen with shock
  20. not half an hour ago an old wifey just pulled out in front of me, tyre screecher side road on to busy main i spotted her not looking and had already started to brake. seen this all the time when i worked in a garage with a pump attendant, attracted all the local older folk from torry Aberdeen. cant up set the older dudes tho. they ALWAYS vote.
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