M1 Crash

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JH_1986, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. Can you imagine the two of you side by side on the motorway not letting each other get by
    Waving hand gestures
    Lack of attention = :Oldman:
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  2. I always give way to idiots.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. How old are you out of interest ?
  4. I don't like motorways very much - but we don't have them in Cornwall...
    And down here in the Falklands we don't have much tarmac of any kind...
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  5. Moody Brook is only suitable for boots, innit?
  6. 122062.jpg
  7. Nope.....wrong.....

    ...try again....
  8. A fit and healthy 61
  9. Time for a re-test then.:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  10. I passed Direct Access at age 55, which means I am probably the person who has most recently passed a test on here ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Direct Access?

    Isn't that fingerprint touch plates on the door of the Care Home?
  12. test? licence? :Asshat:;):Brb:
  13. Should say nothing here but...



    HAHAHA!!!! WTF indeed!?

    Mate, if that's for real I'm with you!


    Please sir... some fucker out there etc, etc...

    FAF!!! :D
  14. Ahhh, I'm like Sherlock Holmes me you know.....

    If you have passed your direct access at 55 then what's the problem with being testing again for the car license at 65? Scared you might fail?
  15. I think everybody in their right mind should be scared that they might fail, the effect upon their life of failing at 65 could be catastrophic.
    The original driving test is very proscriptive, do this, do that, don't do the other, it is a high level test that goes way beyond asking the question "is this person safe". How many people, taken at random from all drivers, if given that test today would pass it; I suggest very few, but does that make them unsafe ? Britain's roads, despite the moaning, are some of the safest in the world.
    I believe you are plod, I'm like Hercule Poirot ;), if you are traffic do you see that elderly drivers cause a disproportionate number of RTAs (are they still called Accidents ?). No one doubts that the elderly are an increasing problem on the roads, but they are not the only ones, I feel that compulsory retesting in the form of the original driving test, with the very real possibility of failure, is draconian and unnecessary.
    I accept that weeding out those who either won't or can't abide by the rules or are medically unfit to drive should be taken off the roads, but I believe the mechanisms to do this are already in place and it should be about implementing those mechanisms and not imposing yet more legislation.
    I do not believe the volume of harm that elderly drivers create is any worse than the young male, and increasingly female, drivers who regularly lose it big time killing and maiming themselves and their friends.
  16. fact.older fella maybe not as old as jv :Angelic: came in this week in his passat, while chatting he confessed that he had been getting double vision for the last few months but wasn't going to tell the doc in case he took his license away . i very much doubt he is on his own.
  17. Did you tell him to get glasses
    Not everyone gets their licence taken away
    It's better to get help than kill someone or injure yourself and others
    Again selfish is a word I would use to describe many people
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  18. you aint gonna believe this. just dropped a car of for a mot walking back an old fella jumps the red light in front of the high school dude jumps on the brakes to avoid the old fella gets rear ended by an old dude behind him, the fella that jumpd the light oblivious and doesn't stop. wtf?. when i say old seventy's maybe?
  19. Maybe i look at things differently at the age of 31, but to me it still doesn't sit well that someone passes a test at 17 and that mean they can drive when they are 80+...

    That's the problem though isn't it? People only worry about how their life would be affected if they fail... not the poor person they could kill. If you don't meet the required standard to drive then in my eyes you should be trained again and re-tested. Maybe a intrim period of a 6 months could be used so people still have the ability to use their car etc..

    On a motorcycle forum i expected most to be of the opinion that people should have a retest at a certain age as how many people have heard SMIDSY from a OAP. The guy who knocked me off in June didnt even offer a apology for writing off my 1199 and nearly me

    Im in the motortrade and i see these people who shouldnt be driving day after day.
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  20. No - perfectly correct.
    You just didn't understand the point I was making, Walter...
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