So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. cars are bollox, staff are bollox, customers are bollox. it's all bolox. everything is bollox.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. How's your bollox, finm?
  3. on a plater.
    i have never ever neverever had a run of luck like this. quite literally every thing that gets touched in here for the last to weeks has turned to shit. busy as hell but looking at a grand loss minimum for this week alone.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  4. Cut my old chain off with a grinder. Probably enjoyed it to much.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. That sounds grim, finm.

    For once, I don't want to kick you while you're down :(
  6. it's all good. next week will be braw. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Is it Christmas yet????

    I know, at 67, I shouldn't get this excited but I get my ST4 tomorrow, I SO can't wait! :)
    • Like Like x 3
  8. Commiserations, a London mate of mine long gone now (Italtune/Evolution Engineering) used to call that the 'SIDAM' effect.
  9. sidam?
  10. I just made cake

    • Like Like x 1
  11. Cakes look good ! Yum!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. how come they look so happy?
  13. Because they live with me :)

  14. Did you Autosol the cake rack, polished or is it ceramic coated?
  15. Is it red? :)
  16. A quick wash in fairy then dry and buff with a bit of auto glym :D
  17. Having it powder coated red ;)
  18. obviously. :smile:
  19. Today I came home from work and thought,
    Ooh, I'll order a Serial > USB adaptor so that I can connect the PCIII on my 750 to my laptop. Then I can have a fiddle since I don't think the current map is right bearing in mind the bike now has two working fuel injectors instead of one-and-a-half. The PCIII is the old serial type and my laptop has no serial ports, hence the need of an adaptor. It's in the post :)

    Then I thought, I'll just download a copy of the old PCIII software to run on my laptop. Good fucking goat almighty, what a daisy-cutter cluster fuck.

    The old PCIII software will not install on Win10. Period. No compatibility issues, no UAC issues, just a FO&D from Win10 saying, "Nope".

    No worry, I'll load a copy of my VMWare 4 Player that I have, onto the laptop, then copy my VMWare XP VM from my PC to my laptop and ... Nope, Win10 won't allow VMWare 4 to install. FO&D.

    OK, I'll pop over to the VMWare site and find a more up-to-date version of the free VM Player. No sign of any free players. WTF?

    A search on the Interwerbs located an URL where I can download the free version of VMWare Player 7, which is Win10 compatible. Yay.

    VMWare Player 7 is installed, now spending 40 minutes transferring a copy of my XP VM on my PC across my network to my laptop, where I sincerely fucking hope I will be able to run a virtual copy of WinXP without any further fucking song & dance. I can then install the PCIII software in the VM and then I can hope like fuckity-fuck that the cludge will recognise my serial-USB adaptor which, I have just realised is compatible with Win7 onwards, no mention of Win XP, ohmyfuckinggoatjustfuckingkillmenow.

  20. Come on, you like all this shit don't you? Otherwise you just wouldn't have the time for it. That's why I have a Mac. There is a whole lot less to know and less hassle. Not "no hassle", just less hassle. But IT people don't like Macs because they really enjoy pitting their brains against the shit-bog that is Windows and all its incarnations. I mean, who can really be arsed to build their own computer out of bits and then load operating systems, add-ons, plug-ins and utilities and god knows what else? Where is the fun, when it will all go tits up in a couple of months when some new version of something is released?
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