I Fell Off :(

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by concrete_buffalo, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. So... I dropped my 1098 today :( Trying to join the A1 from a spindly country road, stalled it and it just toppled over... I scrambled out shouting "No! No! No!" Looking at this pristine red machine lying there on the tarmac was one of the worst feelings :'(

    Just so glad I didn't get partway onto the A1, or I could've been toast...

    Some scratches on the fairing and a tiny chip in the tank paint - easy fixes, I think.

    My main issue is that the foot clutch lever collapsed (as it's supposed to) and when the three nice guys who came along to help me out tried to gently coax it into position the end part snapped off :/ Ended up riding home (about 30 miles) in 4th! :eek:

    It's bent inwards and I'm not sure easing it out will work any - worried about snapping more off.

    I need a new clutch hand lever too, but they seem pretty straightforward to source.

    So I have a couple questions: first, where can I buy a foot clutch lever? second, is this something a girl can fit at home? Bear in mind, I have all the mechanical intuition of a bruised walnut...
    • Like Like x 1
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. :Banghead::(
  3. Not good least your ok bikes can be fixed
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I'll give you £100 & not a penny more! Will you deliver?
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. You mean gear lever? Not seen a foot operated clutch.

    Regards the handlebar clutch lever - try and buy a decent used OEM one as there are often problems with aftermarket levers.

    eBay is a great place to go looking for bits. It's always handy to have spare levers, pegs, etc.

    Yes they are easy to replace.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. not to worry we have almost all done it
    piece o piss. 3-4 bolts
    careful around the quick shiftier if it has one
    and yip never try and straighten a leaver when out and about.
  7. Oh dear
    Good job your ok and the bike can be fixed

    Facebook ladies on motorbikes is full of girls falling off just lately so your not alone
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  8. Shit happens glad you are ok i may be able to give £120 delivered;) joking aside do you need the clutch lever and gear change? i might be able to help you send me a pm
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  9. Bad luck. Main thing is you're unhurt. Bike will be an easy fix.
    Its easily done. I nearly dropped my SF taxiing round the drive at home on full lock after a ride. It was sheer tiredness. Brain wasn't functioning.
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  10. What no volunteers to come rub it better or fix the bike? :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Glad you're ok. There's nothing worse than that crunching noise when you drop it. I dropped my SS whilst getting on it. I went to get my leg over and the bike just lent over too far and went past that point of no return. Guessing I'd be cheaper to fix than the bike I tried to throw myself in between it and the concrete to cushion it's fall but wasn't quick enough. Fuelled by a mixture of adrenalin and embarrassment I did manage to get it stood up again. Luckily no damage over than a little scuff to the bottom of the fairing, although my pride took a bit of a knock. :Sorry:
  12. Newcastle's a bit far from Dorset otherwise I'd be there with lineament and a spanner.
  13. Sorry to hear about your little tumble, but remember: falling off is good for you. That`s what I tell myself each and every time......
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  14. :Wideyed:
  15. I've just had a look on eBay for you and if you search "1098 gear" and then filter the results lowest first you'll see a few cheap Chinese billet ones for about £30 all in (item 201228602647 or 19142939965) but then there's a genuine 2nd hand one under item 141779405034 which is £40

    I'm pretty kack handed myself at mechanical stuff but reckon I could even swap these over.

    I take it that's what you mean, a gear lever?
  16. Yes haha I meant the gear lever! I knew I'd gotten it wrong :p

    It's a relief to know it's gonna be easy to find parts and fix her :)

    I'm totally indebted to the guys who helped me out though. Without the first guy, I wouldn't have been able to get the 1098 upright. He was a biker, and so was one of the other guys who stopped. Good to know our community's strong :)
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  17. Ahh, Damodici - thank you :) I'm gonna check those out!
  18. Bearing in mind your technical expertise, follow this recipe:
    Ring up a competent bike shop.
    Tell them to pick it up and make it all shiny again.
    Throw a lot of money at them.
    Ride away happy and try not to drop it again.

    We have all dropped bikes.
    Last time (after over 30 years riding the stupid things) I dropped my 999 at the end of the drive just as I was setting off for a 1'000 km ride to the UK. Sort of overbalanced getting my leg over the luggage... Bent brake lever, blah blah.
    I have also dropped my brand new 851 from a standstill, and dropped a Pantah 500 at Devil's Bridge (innit?) in front of a carpark full of bikers.
    #18 gliddofglood, Oct 14, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
  19. Greater love than this hath no man ...
  20. Thanks for the comments - I guess nobody's perfect (dammit): I dropped my last bike pulling into a car park, and low-sided the same bike trying to overtake a Micra in the wet lol at least this time I wasn't carrying any speed!
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