Excessive wind ('uncledons' wings/wind deflectors)

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chickenman, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Its the only industry we have left apart from mining :)
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  2. Is anyone looking at this solution right now chaps? I am at my wit's end with this near-unusable bike. Six different screens, three helmets and a burgeoning case of tinnitus later I'm about to give up.
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  3. In short YES! :biggrin: ............Robin is well along the road to setting up the production of his version of the CP Wings (formerly 'Hiss Flaps") - Oz Wings (that's what I'm calling them anyway, don't know if that'll stick for the production items).

    # A bit of history on the development of the wind deflector wings: http://mts1200.info/mts12_faq/multistrada_1200_wings.htm

    # If you want to have a go yourself: http://mts1200.info/mts12_faq/multistrada_1200_making_wings.htm

    # An alternative take by 'chickenman' (aka Don / 'uncledon'): Article coming soon (meantime check back through this thread;-)

    A couple of pairs of Robins earlier 'prototypes' are doing the rounds for testing/review by different riders and there's more heading out soon (the idea being to get a good idea of the effectiveness of the wings in different circumstances.....different riders (size/build;-) - different screens - etc).
    Robin really rates the effectiveness of his wings with much the same feedback from Don on his variations......Robin/Don, maybe you could repost your thoughts/comments below to bring everything together here please?

    Detailed 'review' by DavidD of this parish:

    .....I think that pretty much covers everything to date.
  4. Ooops, I'd better get my finger out and let you know what I think of the second set then! ....no pressure... ;-)
  5. Sorry Andy, will post as soon as I can sort out the mess IOS 6.0 has made of the wife's iPhone. Sometimes I think Apple and Ducati would make great bed partners.
  6. Ah now, my iPhone is the only thing that's still working! Bloody Virgin Media decided to cut my cable when installing at another property! No phone or broadband for 2 weeks! Re-install is meant to be next Tuesday...hence only 'short' missives from me as the screen is way too small on the phone... Some would say that is a blessing! I'll write up my thoughts so far, but I'm also going to try it 'without' the 'Aztec' spacers to see how that affects things.
  7. Thanks Andy and friends for keeping the flame alive on this... I know I should pull my finger out and do some development but thought that CP had licked the problem. Then he went awol. I so want to use the MTS for what it was designed for. I'm only 6'3" but every time I exceed 50mph I get subjected to unbelievable turbulence. So the bike has sat unused for months. Sounds like the Oz wings *may* be the way forward. If I could help with the development process pleas let me know.
  8. Sounds like you just volunteered to test/review a set of prototypes :D .............email me with your address if you're interested and I'll send a set out to you as soon as I get any back (you will be obliged to post your findings, comments/review of course;-)

  9. Hi Andy, of course! Email on its way :)
  10. You won't regret it Rob...it has transformed the noise levels on my bike...just back from a ride, having taken the Aztec spacers off, and it massively improves things. Full write up winging its way to Andy..
  11. Can't wait, thanks David. Incidentally may I ask what screen are you using?
  12. I'm currently using an MRA x-creen double... The Puig shorty (dark smoke) is on order...mid October is the official date for it.

    I was using Aztec spacers, which helped, until I took them off today. I found that (for me) it was better without the spacers (with the flaps installed I mean).
  13. Thanks David, I have an x-screen double lying in the garage; couldn't get on with it, with or without aztecs. Let's see if the flaps make a difference. I am currently using the pikes peak replica made by Aviacompositi. Excellent piece of kit and the wind noise is OK for shorter journeys. About to press the button on a vstream tall but don't like the look of barn door screens. I'll wait to see how the hiss flaps work...
    #73 Rob O, Sep 28, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2012
  14. Hmmm.....I'll await your comments on the flaps + x-Creen to see how our opinions compare. I found it better with MRA + flaps. The MRA + Aztec spacers was pretty good, but adding the flaps was only 'ok' for me.

    Be interesting to hear how you find it with the shorty, and again, I'll be trying it with the Puig shorty...similar in that they are short.

    Personally I'd not buy any more screens until trying (and eventually buying) the flaps... Having looked closely at my bike, and also pictures of the MY13, I would say that the flaps give the MY10-12 a very similar front fairing profile to the MY13....obviously Ducati have been watching closely! ;-)
  15. You're right David, I'll try not to change too many variables until I have tried the flaps. Re Ducati - that's what really irks me with these manufacturers. This sort of thing can be solved in an afternoon with a wind tunnel and a couple of aerodynamicists. But they pushed out an unfinished product and let the market do the development.

    By the way I use a Shoei Qwest TC-6 helmet. I have been thinking about buying tighter cheekpads but haven't got round to it yet. I suspect that might help also.
  16. Hi Andy, iPhone restored SWMBO happy and a long weekend coming up, Whoopee

    Now for a summary, On Tuesday I sent two sets of Perspex WD’s to Eagle Screens. They have contacted a Perth rider who will assist them in making a mould. Please send lots of encouragement emails to John at Eagle Screen.

    The WD’s are now a permanent fixture on my bike used with a Puig short screen. I have taken them off several times but they are now like a security blanket for me. A four hour ride with a ten minute break is now very easy with no fatigue experienced due to much less helmet noise, wind buffeting and the absence of aching thumbs from the cold wind blast under the bar WD’s

    For me the WD’s work better with my Puig short screen, over 80K, and are at their worse with the OEM screen which is so bad it’s hard to know what’s going on and which I think no amount of tinkering could overcome. To be frank the OE screen will never be put back on the bike.

    The benefits of the WD’s would seem to be enhanced by some screens and negated by other. I have not tried them with any of the touring screens, but I think they would work well with these. I don’t think they would be effective with a really short screen, if you take my drift and I know the Aztec spaces on the OEM screen made them less effective. A strong cross wind can negate some of the benefit of the WD’s.

    With the Puig short screen your head is in the breeze and a little noisy but as I mentioned before the airflow is laminar so easy to put up with. No turbulence makes a hell of a difference and a good set of ear plugs (rated to at least 110dB) and not the crap you usually find in a bike shop, fitted correctly get rid of the noise.

    I will send some more sets your way Andy for people to try.
  17. I'd agree with that.. I did almost 100 miles yesterday and came back feeling as if I hadn't even been out! The OEM screen has also been sold...it really was rubbish.

    I'd agree with that too. They work well with the MRA X-Creen double, but this improvement is lessened when also fitted with the 'Aztec spacers' (for me). Removing the spacers makes a big (positive) difference to the overall sound levels AND reduces the susceptibility
    to side winds.

    With the MRA's "flap" set to "low", you get a "similar" effect to a shorty (sort of) in that your head is in the air...that air is clean though and you don't get the bobbing, turbulence, or excessive noise as before.

    It would seem that the "source" of the noise is indeed the air coming off the "fairing". The flaps go some way to reducing this, and therefore you can obtain good results in reducing noise. From using the MRA with "flap up" and "flap down", it is almost like 2 screens in one, and both are acceptable. Therefore the choice is now about "weather protection" rather than noise reduction. The MRA "flap up" is no noisier than "flap down", you are just more in the air (which is clean, and therefore not noisy). So that comes down to preference ...how much "air" do you want?

    I'll write up more once I receive the Puig shorty and test against that....be interesting to see if I find similar results to Robin.

    Suffice to say, I'm going to email John at Eagle Screen, as having tried "test versions" of the flaps, I can safely say that I want a pair.... I'd be so bold as to say that a very large number of people will be wanting these... It makes the ride pleasant. ;-)
  18. Thanks for the update Robin (and once again for what I know to be the not inconsiderable time/effort you've put in to the project to date!:)
    Looks like 'Oz Wings' will be on the market in the not too distant future........congrats! :biggrin:

    I have a couple more guys lined up for further testing and when I get the additional test pieces will call for volunteers using specific screens so that we can get as wide a range of 'test results' as possible.
    Your latest observations are interesting - in addition to David's comments above here's his full feedback from his further testing.....

    Reference: for continuity, previous detailed review post:

    and some time later...

    ...what can I say, very thorough and an excellent write-ups again David :D
    It will be very interesting to get a good look at the changes to the screen and fairing ergos of the MY13.....I haven't had time to read Kevs postings yet but you mention that "he said he thought it was “quieter”" - that's not a very decisive comment which would lead me to think that there was some uncertainty so I'd speculate on that basis that any improvement is nominal.....we'll have to wait and see.
    A variant of the 'Oz Wings' may be needed.........assuming they'd not be a straight fit for the 2013 bikes.
    I don't think that the looming launch of the 2013 bikes in showrooms should impact on getting the 'wings' into production now though - there's a huge potential market for wind deflectors right now imho, no idea of what numbers of 2010-2012 MTS12's have sold worldwide to date but up to the end of Q2 2012 3039 have been sold in the Uk alone (20,000+ worldwide?).
    Search results for 'multistrada 1200' - How Many Left?
  19. well it is new and improved! ;-)
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