But with hindsight were you mature enough, or did the Army bring it out in you? I don't think any of us have fully matured at that age, and that is why the laws are there to protect you at that age.
Bizarre you could kill people, but not enough of an adult to officially get your cock wet? The "schoolgirl has sex" shocker is old news tbh? Who on here didnt have a fumble at that age?? Hmmm? The problem being this dude is 30. If he was 40 then all Hell would let loose! Old enough to be her Father & all that... The truth being, he hasnt hurt her? Hasnt abused her, strangled her and buried her in woods somewhere? They have run off together to France & one day somebody might make a film about it. I would make a film about my life if I didnt think it would immediately go in the Fiction section... :biggrin:
Hard to say. I'm not sure I'm mature enough now at the age of 36! That's right however I was still able to be involved in a live fire exercise and throw live grenades etc. In retrospect I was one of the more mature 15/16 year olds in many respects, but also immature in others.
"Schoolage fumbling" made me think of my schooldays sexlife, which in turn made me think of "fingering", which in turn made me think of an VERY funny Micky Flanagan sketch we saw a week of two back. Yer tis, and needless to say very relevant: Micky Flanagan - Demise of fingering Out Out tour - YouTube
Can't believe some on here are actually condoning his behaviour. He's a schoolteacher FFS and has a duty of trust to his pupils and should know better. No parent sends their kids to school to be groomed by some pervert in the classroom.
The thing that I find quite amazing is that a lot of the people condoning the actions of a kidnapper and a child molester are the same ones that are in favour of summary execution of Dale Cregan.
excellent point, but you still couldnt legally smoke yourself to death or buy a porno mag. funny how governments make the law to fit their requirements, but maybe im just a cynic. as regards age gaps, in my recently failed 5 yrs relationship, my partner was 11 years younger than me and the age was never an issue...we had to laugh when i turned 40 though. 40 and 29 sounds like a huge age gap..in fact she used to call me a paedo!!! until she hit 30 and her mid life crisis started. The horrible, biological truth is that male mammals show a sexual interest in females as soon as they begin to show signs of fertility. Fact. Theres plenty of schoolgirl fantasy porn floating about, or so im lead to believe. Society, rightly places restrictions and age related taboos on sexual activity. Living on the savannah or medieval Britain, giving birth at 12 years of age is no big deal when life expectancy is 27 so society developed as such. These days, with longer life spans, knowledge of the emotional consequences of inappropriate relationships, careers, responsibilities etc there has to be protection for children. Pardon the pun, but we dont know the ins and outs of this relationship, but however mature the girl thinks she is, she's just a kid..at 18 she will still know fekk all. As has already been said, shes 'at that age', so better off that she has a happy, if naive experience with someone who shows her some respect, than some inbetweener whose hand looks like he's trying to get beetroot from a jar.
I absolutely don't condone this persons actions but to use words like 'kidnapper and child molester' in this specific case is a bit emotive. Kidnapper implies against her will, she looks a willing participant and she doesn't look like a child to me. His future as a teacher is rightly looking pretty bleak though.
Does that that mean we taxpayers will be supporting him one way or another ? Hang the b******d. :wink:
Deliberately emotive but true. She's under the legal age of consent, the test of which is not "but she looks well fit and is really up for it" She is legally a child under the protection of her Parents or appointed legal guardians and cannot consent to being taken to France against their will or to have sex. Add to these facts his position of trust as her teacher and he deserves locking up for a long time and to be put on the Sex Offenders register for life when he gets out. He is the type of predatory rapist that should never be allowed near anyone under the age of 18 unaccompanied and I am truly surprised at the seeming double standards applied on this board.
100% correct Shadow. I think you've probably put the salient points together and in the most succinct way. Thank you