Rugby World Cup (poss Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chizel, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Its official they have now openly admitted that the ref made the wrong call and gave the Australians a win they did not deserve

    If the organisers had any balls they would bar that referee for life and over turn the result

    Entire series is now a bit of a farce with a losing team in a semi final - hopefully Austrialia will be knocked out in the next game and restore some form of validity to the world cup series - if they go on to win the world cup has devalued into a meaningless bit of silverware - a but like mardonnas hand of god
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. i guess you dont get the same news as us.
    i havent seen any sour grapes? they where inconsolable immediately after the game. (obviously) they where interviewed yesterday, all seemed on fine form? a very bad decision after a bad tactic that cost them the game.
    your team is good but every thing else down there is second rate including yer media. dont be sucked in. :upyeah::smile:.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. :Finger::smile:
  4. It doesn't matter if the Ref was wrong or not, Scotland put themselves into that position, you are the master of your own destiny. And IMHO it is extremely poor for the RWC to not back their Ref who is the sole judge of what occurs on the field and is bound by their rules and policies, he's only human and has to make the calls on what he sees with the naked eye, why have they hung him out to dry? Maybe to placate the Northern Hemisphere rugby teams/supporters who no longer have anywhere to hang their hats?
  5. ok rugby was my game, but where i was sitting (behind the tv this time) it was a penalty. but they lost and i was gutted.
    COME ON THE BOX :upyeah:.
    cool thats me back in the tournament. excellent, cheers dave. :smile:
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  6. pretty big calls! Although i sympathize with Scotland and am in NO way an aussie fan, it certainly wouldnt be and will not be the only bad call made by a ref. many a team have seen their hopes dashed by a bad call, some in the dying minuets, some that have changed the momentum earlier on in the game.
    by the same token many a team has won thru a bad call and they aint complaining then! that is rugby and as criminal as it may seem the refs are only human! do you sack every one that makes a mistake? i think the use of the tmo needs expanding to include such desisions (in fact i thought i did but apparently not).
    I am devastated for Scotland but although they had the aussies on the ropes they did score 5 tries to 3 so perhaps they were not totally undeserved winners (although that pains me a great deal to say)
    also i think say that it has turned what has been probably the best rugby world cup to date into a farce is a bit much. we cant let one incident take away from the fantastic games all the other teams have put on... cheers
  7. deffo, best rugby i have seen in years. and no matter what my team is making it to the final.
  8. hey i even changed my flag to a Scottish one in support through the game! and you want to support the fing saffas now? no fing chrissy card for you matey......:mad:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  9. doddie weir was on this morning, again no sour grapes.maybe it's a Scottish thing but we love the under dog. nothing now would give me greater pleasure than watching Argentina lifting that cup.
  10. I only support 2 teams the all blacks and anybody else playing austrialia
  11. spoken like a true kiwi!!!!!!:upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
  12. And if the ref made a wrong call in the first 5 mins, a team got 3 points and then 75 minutes later the difference between the teams is less than three.... Are you suggesting the video ref for every single possibly points scoring decision for all 80 minutes, for example?

    If the organisation had any balls they'd ban themselves for not backing the ref 100%. He did the best job possible - in the game - and I bet if you looked at every single match you could find a wrong decision in every single one of them. Are they going to hang every ref?

    The organisation set the rules when the ref can refer, and the organisation should back the ref ( unless they find evidence of deliberate malpractice by the red) . The red is human and does the best job possible.

    I don't excuse the ref running off- that on the face of it is out of order.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. i agree. i think in general the reffing and use of the tmo in this rwc has been great, if anything the tmo has been referred to too often. if we start replacing refs with robots that cant make errors then surely the next step is to do the same with players also.. I personally really like the idea of robot rugby but i think japan would win every match...

  14. I went to France vs Ireland in Cardiff, and the best ( unsung) player/person on the pitch was a ref-had a brilliant game, got the flow and tempo spot on.

    As an aside, I wore an England shirt to that game, didn't see another one. Got some amusing looks when I stood up in quiet moment /spot and shouted for Angleterre....
  15. at least you only got amusing looks and not stabbed like you would at a soccer match!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. No you wouldn't. Unless you were in Turkey.
  17. Exactly, that's what I said to my companion, a first time rugby attendee. it's all about a decent bit of banter between opposing fans sat together. There were French to my left, Irish to my right and in front and behind a couple with a 4-6 month baby, with ear defenders on. Bloody noisy with the roof shut. All good stuff, but still a shocking pie to go with the obligatory pint...
  18. no footie thugs here then.. thing o the past
  19. Uh huh, just like the football world cup.
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