Good question, final_e. I think calling him a "predatory rapist" is wildly inaccurate and wrong. He may be guilty of a lot of things but the only thing provable (at this time) is that he has taken a minor abroad without the permission of her parents. Everything else is supposition. A friend of mine once "met" a predatory rapist. I sick of people bandying around that term with little or no justification. The two things are not the same thing at all.
I am sure you are correct in the detail shadow it is just that I do not see this as a black or white issue, there are shades of grey here also. I will say again however that what he has done is wrong.
Wether he has or hasn't he shouldn't be involved with a pupil that is entrusted to his care while away from her parents That means he should be old enough and smart enough to ignore any advances from any pupil in that school at all times.
if you read my post properly before getting excited, you'll find that im not condoning his behaviour, nor hers. i dont think i even mentioned the teacher. what i was saying was, the girl knows little or nothing about life and its better to make a mistake with someone who may treat her with some respect than with someone who doesnt. theres plenty of kids that get knocked up and left on the shelf by some spotty herbert. my thoughts about the teacher echo pretty much the other posts on here concerning his judgement and position of trust. at best they have both been very naive, at worst, well, we all know the general sentiments about that. i think we need to wait and see the outcome before we start jumping to conclusions. im not saying that this is some sort of romantic love story, nor am i saying that she has been groomed by some sort of predatory rapist. so lets get the facts before we start sticking the boot in. that includes you, me, and everyone else.
It's irrelevant to a point as by taking her to France he has already committed a serious offence. She is still a child. If he has added the 'sexual relations' part to it as well then he is in even deeper shit!
The French police may have 'more important' things to do but there is an Europe wide arrest warrant on the teacher for child abduction, this is quite a serious charge. As he is the trusted adult and she cannot technically consent to be taken away (without the consent of her parents), nor to the other possibilities suggested above he is in big trouble.
If the 30 yr old man and the 15 yr old girl have had sex in the UK to which she consented, that is unlawful sexual intercourse. If she did not consent, it is rape. If she was below 13 it would be rape regardless whether she consented or not. If they are having sex in France, I am not sure how the law stands. Anybody know?
15 is the age of consent in France so no law is being broken there, on that score anyway. The French authorities have apparently said that the girl is legally of an age to be making her own decisions so they seem to be arguing that there was no "kidnapping" either.
He has committed an offence by taking the girl away without her parents consent as she is only 15 - effectively abduction. That offence wasn't committed in France but in the UK so if the British police say he has committed the offence then the French police have a duty to arrest him and hand him back to the UK authorities as in understand it.
Here's an interesting conundrum in these enlightened times; How many people would post the same reactions if it had been a 15 yr old lad with a 30 yr old female teacher?:wink:
It would still be the same. A teacher signs up to a code of conduct which expressly forbids this sort of relationship with any pupil.
15 is the age of consent in France. On the other hand, desecrating the France flag is illegal and can lead to as much as a 7500 euro fine and up to six months in prison. If a French flag-burner fled France for the UK, how much effort would be made by the UK authorities to arrest that person? About the same as the French police force would put into tracking down an English criminal who has broken no French law? Not arguing the merits, just sayin'.
I'm the mother of a son also who is 14 and I tell you the same would go if a female teacher abused her position also School is a place where the adults in it should be above any pupil advances
What I meant was, most of the blokes on here would think along the lines of "get in there son, good on yer" I think so anyway. very different reaction
When I was 15, there was an English teacher I would have given my left nut to have the chance to have run off with. She was stunning. If one of my sons had run off with someone like her when he was 15, I would have been less pleased. Perspective's a bitch.