Mts1200 2013

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by DesmoDucMan, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Yes we do...the prices have been listed, and they are the same as this year. Only the Grandturismo price hasn't been confirmed, but that is expected to be £16,300. And I'd stick by what I said...yes, they say that every new model is 'better', but this one actually has some improvements over the current model.

    I'm not saying 'don't' buy a MY12 bike, I'm saying if you do, get a cracking deal on it... And I think Kevin Ash falls into the 'reputable' category. For me at least.
  2. Buying a 2012 model bike now wouldn't make much financial sense without a nice fat saving on the list price.
  3. To make it a worthwhile upgrade for me, it needs a shaft drive.
  4. I reckon a 2012 model bike will be worth a minimum of £500 less than a 2013 bike even if they were ridden out of the showroom at the very same moment.

    Unfortunately that is the way things work in this world.
  5. reasonable as the 'S model' 2012 bikes have been supplied with £1,000 of accessories since start of August. (Ducati's valuation)
  6. From that review, the only thing that might be of interest is the new LED headlight. The engine mods are minor, and I'm certain I'll still be outside the design parameters of the Skyhook system.

    Keep running my old one into the ground then :biggrin:
  7. Same here, barring a catastrophic let-me-down, the wrong side of Dresden (or similar), the plan is that this one will be a worthless bag of rusty bolts by the time I get rid - fingers crossed ;-)
  9. Personally I can't see any improvement in response to owner feedback. The screen area still looks sh!te and I can't see any mention of improvements to clutch/gearbox or the dodgy rear brake, just that endless pursuit of technological perfection, little of which the average rider can exploit or probably needs imho witness the new BMW HP4. I love mine to bits and will probably run it into the ground, but as an engineer I can't help feeling that from the outset it was rushed to the market and although it's undoubtedly a great design it's poorly engineered
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  10. Still worth a test ride I think... I think that this time around, we can all be a little more circumspect. We have Multistradas that, in the main, we are mostly happy with. Therefore, we can try the new one to 'see'. Some will love it and upgrade, others will like it but the differences won't be enough to justify the extra outlay needed, and some will simply prefer the older model. All valid choices and scenarios. But at least we have the choice, and at least we get to benchmark from a position of 'experience'.
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  11. Funny, I'm test riding a 2012 mts this weekend, wouldn't / couldn't spend that sort of money on a 2013 anyway so ill be looking for a deal :)
  12. The rear brake has been redesigned, I read an article about it.
  13. Me too :D
  14. I think if you look carefully you'll see some improvements that are welcome:

    - Better low rpm running and slight torque rise, more economical (new head with dual spark). This alone is probably at the top of most present riders wishlists.
    - The screen shape (it could be better!)
    - ABS - User can set 3 levels
    - back brake as below:

    the braking system has had other changes including combined braking distribution which sees the rear brake operating with the front when only the handlebar lever is used - this occurs in Touring and Urban modes but not the other two. The rear brake itself has been modified to deal with issues the old model had with weak or non-existent operation due to bleeding problems.

    I have to admit that I would like to test one out though am pretty sure the differences will not be worth the big hit if I was to sell my faithful 2010, I am sure......probably
  15. Yeah hands up I should've paid a bit more attention being an old bloke my attention wanders after about 10 lines. Sounds like the brakes are going to bet an electronically controlled version of Mr Hs' linked brake syst I quite like that. I suppose a test ride would be in order as a comparison, but leave the chq book at home.
  16. Might try and get a test ride at the weekend too and see if any deals are available on old stock.

    TBH though they would have to offer me a big saving to make me interested in a 2012 bike.
  17. Theres fuck all wrong with my 10 at 14000 so i wont be forkin out for a 13!
  18. I don't think there is enough difference to p/ex for a new one if you already own one but if you are looking to buy one for the first time then the differences certainly do have a bearing on whether i buy a 2012 or a 2013.
  19. Having just 'wasted' my money on buying a new 2012 standard model, and doing nearly a thousand miles in 2 weeks, I won't be upgrading, fuck all wrong with mine if I'm honest, back brake works, decent running at low revs even in top gear, screen is adequate (been on a bmw gs recently thats is shite!) oh and it handles!
    Enjoy whatever you ride :upyeah:
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  20. Having just read the write up in MCN, they dont appear to be singing the praise of the new suspension system.

    But no mention if it has got hazard lights now ? lol !
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