Ok, thinking about the other threads re the teacher and his pupil, and the programme on drugs. What are your opinions on legalisation of prostitution? I know it's a controversial subject, and there are going to be some of you who will be disgusted at the very idea. I look forward to reading your ideas as to how this "business" could be brought into the area of a controlled, safe, profitable, healthy business.
I dont have a problem with it, Anything that makes it safe for both parties can be nothing but a good thing.
The profession has been around for thousands of years and will continue to be around for years. IMO as long as the people that offer this service are not forced/coerced into it and do it with their own free will then I have no problem with it. Legalising it will also bring revenue to the tax coffers.
It would be great, I'd be able to advertise my business properly then! Wait. What? We sell our labour - the sweat off our backs, our hard work, both mental and physical - is this not siimply selling a different kind of work? Obviously it is different, because we see it differently - many of us, anyway. The difficulties in the moral sense are a hangover from our Victorian sensibilities. As long as people equate sexuality with morality, you are going to struggle to get prostitution legalised in this country. I'm not against it in principle.
It is a service that is being sold. Much like that of a lawyer or an accountant. Only a lawyer or accountant bend you over and f@ck you. Without lube. And for a damn sight more money
My aim in this thread is to see if you lot come up with the same ideas Nicky and I share as to how it might be possible to make the whole business of prostitution safer, cleaner, less intrusive on those who live in "red light areas" and therefore more acceptable to the general public and changing the publics perspective of the morality of prostitutes.
As with the drugs thread, it happens, legal or not , and it is not going away. Perhaps brothels should be in industrial areas away from people`s homes so hopefully no hassle with kerb crawling etc in residential streets. It should be monitored and run properly with the workers paying tax and having health checks etc. I`m sure some would find a reason why it should not be allowed in industrial estates or similar but then some will be against it regardless of any reasoned argument. We could call these people politicians couldnt we.
Mate, im totally in favour of it, whether they be straight brothels, gay brothels, whatever... Proper places where the women are safe, pay tax and have to pass minimum health standards...no junkies, substance abusers etc...Also if they are taught properly how to examine punters for sti's etc. Also the same standards should be applied to the punters..no sti's etc CCTV and a few heavies on the door wouldnt go amiss. Brothels could be clean, healthy and dare i say it, fun places, and so long as the women have control of the entire transaction, the power to say no thanks, then i dont see the problem. thousands of years of piety have resulted in the abuse, rape and deaths of thousands of women and this isnt acceptable. humans are what they are and are not the only animal to engage in prostitution...many species of monkey for instance trade sexual practices in exchange for food. personally, i would never go to a legal brothel...sort of takes the edge out it. (joke by the way).
major problem is that legalisation would destabilise the underworld running this "service" at present they would then move onto something else apart from that it should have been legalised decades ago
They already did that. It's called Politics. /cheap shot Pretty much agree but then, decades ago, there were still a lot Victorians around.
Funky, thank you,this is just the way Nicky and myself are thinking. Poppelli, trying to remove the underground, and therefore uncontrolled, environment that prostitution currently exists in, would surely be the best thing possible. It's got to be better for everyone if, for want of a better description, there was a "Bunny Ranch" in every large town or county, where all forms of sexual services could be provided, by safe, clean and regulated professionals without the threat to public health that is how it currently exists.
Prostitution isn't illegal per se; certain aspects around prostitution are though: Prostitution in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Unfortunately, some of the laws in place mean that trying to make things safer are much harder, for example one girl (or man!) working from indoor premises is legal, but two in the same premises is not as it is then classed as a brothel. IMHO we should adopt similar policies as the Netherlands which have a "legal and regulated" policy, and brothels are also legal, but additional conditions would need to be in place such that close proximity of brothels would not be allowed to avoid the sex tourism issues associated with places like Amsterdam. Making brothels legal and regulated would be of benefit to both worker and customer, and would help to regulate the criminal undertones out of the system.
I lived and worked in amsterdam for a few years and i could not fault the place for anything.. i did not want to leave.
Prolly because half the electorate are Wimmin who won't vote for someone who voted for in the H of C.
If it was done properly, there wouldn't be any kerb-crawling. That's the point. You don't kerb-crawl to find a photocopier or new house plants. You could make it happen in normal bland buildings with nothing but some discreetish sign and no shop-windows. People could just park in a car-park, like going to a cinema. It would make a lot of sense. And of course, it would be a blow to organised crime, and that has to be a good thing.
If it's legalised, what would I do with all my fur coats, big hats and walking canes? I'll also look daft with my gangsta' limp with no girls to keep in line.. Roll on to the 2016 Oylimpics, it's legal over there. There will be atheletes coming back with more than medals.