Hello From Milton Keynes

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by peaktraveller, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. I have a 2012 Multistrada 1200S Touring and a 1999 996 SPS. I have been registered with the Forum for some time but not got around to saying hello as I have been an infrequent visitor. Great site with lots of useful info.
  2. Well hopefully you become frequent now and join in with the mad house
    Welcome by the way
    Are they red :Muted:
  3. Thanks for the welcome Ducbird - red - are there other colours? Yes they are and while I say that, I was a proud owner of a brand new and very yellow 748SPS acquired from Baines Racing quite a few years ago. All the other bikes have been RED apart from a white Tiger1050.
    Never been a great social media user but owner based forums like this are always interesting so maybe I will be here more frequently.:smile:
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  4. Your welcome the locals will be along shortly to join in

    Nope just red :D

    Plenty of interesting going ons here in this mad house
    The best mad house I have to say

    Pics of bikes and bins are the law so don't forget
  5. Welcome and this is a great place to winter it out until you can ride again.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Thanks Aircon. Appreciated. Was hoping to get out tomorrow weather permitting.
  7. Hi there welcome to the forum.
  8. Depends which side of the fence you're on :p

    And welcome Dave :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Welcome - I can visualise the knee-scraping as you lap the MK roundabouts :upyeah:
  10. I wonder, did I see your 996sps about, a few months back or more. I was passing through a pretty little town on the A509 it was in the market SQ.

    The bike that I spotted that day is the reason I bought my 988s recently.
  11. If it was parked next to a Aprillia Dorsoduro and there was a classic car show on in the Sq it was mine. But it's not a SPS as I'm poor. [emoji20] .
  12. Ah it may well have been (yes) > was it parked where those Italian red cars are parked?

    Do you live near MK then Cream R? I've seen two there this year in passing on my way from A to B My memory is bad but they both caught my eye. I am not sure if one had a personal plate on.

    do you have a pic of your bike?

    #12 Not Carl Fogarty, Oct 24, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
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  13. Live in Berkhamsted , about 30mins south. Almost always ride that way as North is more fun than the other directions.

    Don't remember the Italian cars but looks like the same square. We were lost and stumbled on the town/car show so stopped for a gander. Think it may have been a different bike.
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  14. Hi and welcome :)
  15. Thanks. Nice bike :smile:
  16. Alas my knee scraping days are over. Joined the Captain Sensible brigade now however, in my imagination ......
  17. Thank you
  18. Noted....will comply. Not sure about the "binnning" bit.
  19. Hi and welcome. I see there might be a chance of a few ducati's meeting up at super sausage soon.
  20. That would be Olney and while it is on one of my regular routes it wasn't me. Nice pic of the cars.
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