Please can we move this to bottom left of a post instead of bottom right to reduce the chance of attributing a Nuke rating to a thread? A simple thing, but as many of us use Hudl and similar other well priced tablet devices to access this fine forum we accidentally rate a thread the using one hand to operate the scroll up and down. Even those on the left shouldn't complain as the poster icon should keep them out of trouble. Perhaps a double check on rating system.... Perhaps not as they are really annoying.
Oh dear....oh dear...oh dear.... Was it a heavy night fellas? And what are you doing here anyway! I thought this was where we gave feedback to the designers of the forum?
I don't seem to have a problem My nuke is on the left as I scroll on iphone I save them for Exige It's your fat fingers Paul :Angelic:
Does everybody remember that post I made that eloquently argued that a "Nuke" was a badge of honour, to be displayed proudly? Yes? No, of course you don't, your frackers. It's unavailable now :Rage: unch: :Shamefullyembarrased: :Smug:
@El Toro Please make sure my suggestions hit the appropriate web gods. It looks like the Forum brat pack has hoisted me with my own petard, as Shakespeare would say.