Oberon Clutch Slave

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by ROB MARSH, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Just wondering if anyone has any input regarding oberon clutch slaves..
    I fitted it to the streetfighter and bled it...
    Well chuffed cos the lever action is way easier and sat back chuffed with my purchase...

    I started the bike and engaged first gear with a bit of a clonk...
    Was a bit shocked but it went into neutral ok.. Re-bled it just in case there was some air still in it...
    Tried again and clonk again... This time I thought it's fitted ok and still not engaging properly..
    So this time I added the extra piece for the rod... Still no joy.. This time I could not pull the lever all the way...
    Anyway basically I need something about half the length of the part oberon supplied...

    Just wondered if anyone else had this problem and how it is resolved...
  2. I'm amazed it went into neutral ok if it's dragging enough to clonk into 1st gear.
    Finding neutral is usually the acid test...
    Aftermarket slave cylinders which give a lighter lever do it by changing the hydraulic ratio of master to slave cylinder to give you more mechanical advantage at the lever. The downside of this is that you inevitably lose some length of stroke at the clutch end as a result.
    Have you tried contacting Oberon??
  3. Use a slightly thinner overall clutch pack thickness and you'll get a better separation, alternatively as it wears it'll get better for the same reason...
  4. Have to agree with that.
    I'm using an ultra low stack height, having removed all the doubled-up plain plates. Its not slipping and I have no drag either. I also have a very light lever due to the reduced pre-load on the springs.
    Add an Oberon slave to that and the lever would be ultra light...
  5. When I bought my SF I decided it didn't need a slave upgrade. It was only heavy in town and I don't do much urban riding so I was happy with it as it was.
    Now I've had a new clutch fitted (Barnett stainless tipped basket, DP plates and springs). Went on a spirited rideout on Sunday which was nearly all day and involved no town riding except getting to the meet-up point and my wrist was really feeling it by the end of the day. I was almost glad to get off the bike. With the old clutch I didn't have any of that and I didn't notice the lever weight on an all day ride.
    Bearing in mind I've just fitted an expensive clutch, I'm wondering reading this whether an Oberon slave will be much help. I believe there are alternative after-market slaves with bigger pistons than the Oberon but I can't think what they are or where you get them from off-hand. Maybe someone else knows?
  6. Like so many things, it's all something of a compromise.
    The more mechanical advantage a slave gives, the less movement you will get from the pushrod, so more likelihood of drag.
    Maybe the DP springs are stronger? It might be worth putting the old ones back in to see.
    I can't see why else the the clutch would be heavier than before, unless you've got a much higher stack-height than before, which would increase the pre-load...
  7. Maybe I've gone soft and developed lady wrists from riding my KTM while the SF was waiting for its service...
  8. My oberon unit is being delivered tomorrow so will fit it on saturday and report back any issues
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  9. Thanks for all the replies..
    I ended up contacting Oberon and the chap was very helpful...
    Basically it seems i still had a bit of an air lock even though i bled it over and over..
    I ended up taking the slave right off and starting over... Now seems to be way better...
    Just need the weather to dry up and i'll take it for a proper test...
    I've got next week off work so i'll hopefully get a chance to get a few miles on it..
    Pics will be up shortly..
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  10. [​IMG]Having a go at a couple of photos.
  11. Wheelie bins??
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