I've done a big old review about it have a read and listen. Updated it today with wet weather thoughts.
That's no good at all, the majority of sales will be across the models excluded? Come on Ducati, we know you need to help fund your sister companys law suit for the omissions scandal but give us bikers a break
Ah, will that be Soon ? Maybe at motorcycle live? Do you know the differences other than a bigger motor?
had a quick shot of 1299 must admit preferred my 1199, only did about 15 miles tho still up to 150 ish didn't feel stable for me , only a light weight tho
what I cant understand or not sure of there is a post , quite a long one about a review 1299 on this forum, would a brand new 1299 not be restricted to 6k revs until the limiter was removed ?? perhaps I am wrong but im sure my 1199 had a limiter on it until the first service, as I know in the post the OP seem to love it .I didn't get the same feeling.