Your Bike And Supercars?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Advikaz, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Hello all,

    I imagine we've all had a 'play' with a super car at some point?

    Any of you guys had any decent run ins?

    I did a Gallardo Spyder on my 600rr, and have lost a 911 turbo on the 899.

    Reason I ask is a mate of mine has an Aventador, we had a little play the other day and I can keep with him it seems without "too much bother" I use that term loosely as I wasn't giving it everything, and I'm unsure if he was either.

    BHP per tonne I've got it on the bike, around 888bhp per tonne with the Panigale, and over 600 per tonne with rider....

    We've been talking about having a proper drag on a runway, something like Vmax etc, how do you think I'll fair? I know obviously I'll get humped top end!

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  2. Public roads are not the place ...
  3. I'm not talking about high speed runs on the road chap, more a traffic light grand prix in the past.

    Which then lead me to the idea of a runway day etc.
  4. Traffic light grand prix are still on public roads, see previous comment.

    Runway days fill yer boots :upyeah:
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  5. whatever other comments you get on this thread and im sure they'll be mixed lol, thats one sexy picture you've stuck up there (and i fucking hate cars) :upyeah:
  6. Thanks mate, I'm hoping the PC brigade aren't going to go to town on the thread. Because anyone who hasn't had a traffic light gp at one point or another is lying lol.

    Let's not take this too seriously..
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  7. The problem I have with high performance bikes or cars on the road is that the performance is practically unusable; we have all seen youtube clips of people getting it spectacularly wrong when they try to do so.

    But they are addictive, and yes that is a nice photo :upyeah:
  8. This will give you an idea


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  9. I had a dice with a McLaren P1 last year. I was up the back of him on the roundaboouts then he'd bugger off into the distance on thh straight, only for me to catch him on the brakes and then up his chuff around the next roundabout.

    I wonder what it would have been like if I had been on my 999S, instead of in my Nissan Almera :)
    • Funny Funny x 9
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  10. I always watch this one about once a week, mainly to justify my purchase. The Ducati, not the Ferrari (wrong colour).

    I go into London once or twice a week on my 1198s and regularly leave many fast cars standing, as they are stuck in the traffic with the rest of the cars. ;)
    #9 Pavey, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. The Panigale/GT2 video is pretty impressive :upyeah:
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  12. funny thing,,, more often people on this motorbike forum are whinging about " some idiot " in a car trying to burn them off / having some fun, ( only recently someone gloating about some poor bugger who totalled his M5 after having the audacity to try to burn off his super pannigale or whatever ),,,,, where as on my other ( and only ) forum ( car one ) it is car people whinging about wanker bikers trying to burn them off , etc !!! me,, i love a bit of sport, either in the car or on the bike,,, to say that there are loads of vids showing what can go wrong on the public road is only a part of the picture, people are pulling stunts all day everyday on certain chosen parts of the public road, if everyone was to post a video of a successful ( what some people would class as a ) stunt then there would little room left on the airwaves....( for the safety / pc / "polite" squad..)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Me on my ZX-9R, wearing jeans and a denim jacket (long story), tailing some guy in a Ferrari along a dual carriageway.

    I'm not saying exactly how fast, but he didn't get away ...

    Of course, I was young and stupid then, and wouldn't do anything like that now I'm old and sensible. Officer.
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  14. I prefer to have the idiots in front where I can see them rather than right behind me, at speed, heading towards a blind corner.

    On a public road it is not about how good you are or how fast your vehicle is but what level of risk you are prepared to take, and on a motorcycle we are a lot more vulnerable than someone in a flash car.

    This isn't about being PC, it is about survival.
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  15. Rubbish.

    Remember folks. Life - it's a sprint, not a marathon! :upyeah:
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  16. This one is the reverse of what you usually see. Car stomps away at the start and bike catches it up.

  17. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Live fast and die young ;)
  18. Too late for you, sunshine! :upyeah:
  19. The important things in life are worth taking time over ;)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  20. I once had to go to Lego land Windsor to quote a job, I was faster than the wasps.
  21. Car set off first, by a long way :smileys:
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