BT sport are showing the press conference on thursday at 4pm (bonfire night) let the fireworks begin.
The mafia have allready been to visit. I dont think it will harm the sport,the publicity has been massive and we all no there is no such thing as bad publicity.
One thing I really hope it doesn't do is restrict overtakes. Mgp has been processional already at times, let's keep it exciting as it is now
They said why? Justice about to be dome then. Points removed from licence. Read also fim and dorna have called both teams and riders to 'a briefing' Reckon rossi will be the only one beaming when they leave that briefing
I think they will all be given instructions on dealing with press...and telling some dick to keep his mouth shut this week.
GodmI hope not! Just because he's a dick, doesnt mean Jlo cant say something, even if its dickish. Thats entertainment. Thats NOT F1!