The Diavel section?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. I thought there used to be some posts in there. But I noticed yesterday that it's empty.

    Was there some in there or have I dreamt it?

    And if there have never been any why does the Diavel have its own section?
  2. There were, I posted about my bike. Clearly we've been sent to the naughty step/Coventry. Which is ironic 'cos my bike came from Coventry
  3. All seems to have moved to trackday and rider skills section.....go figure
  4. PM Rob......he'll put them back in the right folder.
  5. Thanks for the heads up. Now fixed.

    (Where are all the Diavel owners though? Only 6 threads in the section!).
  6. We're clearly a select bunch. Have to say not seen many out and about, so not sure how popular they are. Plus maybe people may be worried about abuse if they own up to a Ducati cruiser. Personally as an alternative to my sports bikes I like it.
  7. Now there's a question that should be directed at Ducati HQ:biggrin:
  8. Oy you ! Outside now ! Seem to be a lot over the pond, which must piss HD off (which I think was part of the objective). I really do think that for Diavel owners a Ducati forum is predominantly for sports orientated riders and therefore maybe not for them.
  9. Surely if it says 'Ducati' on the tank then they are welcome
  10. That's how I feel. It may be an odd Ducati, but it is a Ducati.
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