1299 Idle Speed

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Rjkc600, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. my new 1299 seems to idle high. I'd say about 1500rpm regardless of temp.

    Is this normal?

    I'm concerned about the clunk engaging first gear with high revs.

    Any ideas?
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  2. Perfectly normal. The clunk can be negated or at least reduced by dialling a little more span in on the clutch lever if your hands will stretch to it.
  3. Great stuff. Was wondering if my brand new bike already had a problem.

    Clutch is quiet far out already, I don't like it biting too close the the handle bar.

    Cheers for the help.
  4. You'll notice the bike adds a little blip of revs as you pull away in 1st too. An anti stall measure in told.
  5. Worst bike I've ever rode flabbergasted at the feed back absolute shite
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  6. Mine looks like it's revving at 1500rpm (my 899 this is) which I think is normal, it is probably more like 1300rpm but obv the bar display isn't that granular!

    As others say, it will blip the throttle a little on clutch release
  7. 1299 worst bike?! You must have ridden some real shit bikes then.
  8. Worst reply to a question about idle speed I've ever seen.
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  9. Got no midrange.... ;-)
  10. Your all crazy if u think the 12 is good i really wished it was a good bike but horrendous to ride but sorry garbage
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  11. having gotten slammed for expressing my 1299 disappointment, I am of the opinion there are good ones and bad ones. I think it may be the emission cheating software
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  12. :thumbsup:must say ave rode one and much prefer the 1199 don't know where the extra stability is , midrange etc my 1199 had termis and the R gearing change but felt no slower off the bottom whatsoever, 1299 throttle response very jerky on and off, but maybe our 1199 had to many miles on 10k per annum ,perhaps people tell better in a 10 mile test ride , S1000RR much better bike altogether imho,,,:thumbsup:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I think the one you tried must have been broke, if you reckon it was that shite. But hey we all feel different things.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. If your not taking the piss, please explain.interested.
  15. You mean REALLY GREAT bikes?
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  16. TBH it crossed my mind to try another but roads are crap now season over I think, was really fancying getting back on a 1199 triclore or something for next season, but seriously the 1299 did not do it for me and I had my 1199 S for 18 months so did have a feeling what to expext, I know sissy rode the same bike and he actually took another one out a 1299 S and it felt horrible to,
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. By the time you stick 10k on a bike you will have adapted to whatever it delivers.
    I understand why people prefer the 1199 as they imho prefer its slightly more brutal/difficult nature on the road.It demands ALL your attention. I'm not saying it's bad or worse its just different. 1299 refines things out a touch and that's coming off the back of 573 miles on the dealers demo I've had on loan for a total of 3 and a half weeks.
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  18. And yet another thread where half the responses are nothing to do with the OP question!

    But yes... 1500rpm is normal, my suspicion is that the super oversquare nature maybe does take a little more rpm to keep it happy at idle as its not exactly a natural stroke!
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  19. Cheers mate. Sounds awesome at idle so it's all good!
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  20. I thought same do I rode 2 second one had Fullerton system and was even worse . By the way I loved my 1199 so I know il get bit stick but I'm bein honest seriously the 12 is prob worst of al, the demos I took out
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